Kali Borovic

Photo of Kali Borovic
Cleveland, Ohio
Ohio Univeristy
Sustainable Fashion, Beauty, Royals
  • Kali Borovic has covered fashion and beauty news for five years.
  • She has previously written for fashion and beauty sites like Bustle, INSIDER, and Huffington Post.
  • Kali also worked at the Associated Press, London Bureau, where she reported on events leading up to the Royal Wedding.


Kali Borovic is a writer with five years of fashion and beauty writing experience under her (sustainably styled) belt. She specializes in sustainable fashion and clean beauty content and has been published with Bustle, INSIDER, and Huffington Post. After completing her work experience with the Associated Press, London Bureau, her love of all things royal grew into a writing passion as well.


Kali has a Bachelor's in Journalism from the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism at Ohio University.

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Stories By Kali Borovic