Is This Really How Hilaria Baldwin Explained The Rust Shooting To Her Kids?

The repercussions from the tragedy that occurred on the set of "Rust" are still being keenly felt. Per The Guardian, cinematographer Halyna Hutchins was accidentally killed after actor Alec Baldwin fired a prop gun, which also left a projectile lodged in director Joel Souza's shoulder. Baldwin had been informed the gun was safe to use, since it didn't contain any live rounds. Authorities are still looking into how the fatal shooting occurred. "Rust" was filming in New Mexico at the time, and a local firearms and ammunition supplier recently confirmed he "may know" where the live rounds originated.


Although, according to industry experts, live rounds should never be present on a movie set, investigators found some during their initial search of the "Rust" set, which was located just outside of Santa Fe. Independent civil lawsuits are also being conducted, in an effort to figure out who's liable for the horrific accident. The gun in question was given to Baldwin by an assistant director, after being pre-loaded by armorer Hannah Gutierrez Reed, who admitted she "didn't really check" the weapon. Baldwin recently sat down for his first interview since the incident occurred, per Variety, but in the meantime his wife, Hilaria Baldwin, has shared how she explained it all to their children.

Hilaria Baldwin turned to this book for assistance

According to Entertainment Tonight, Hilaria Baldwin admitted on her Instagram Stories that she found it incredibly difficult to contextualize what happened on the set of husband Alec's movie, "Rust," for their kids. "I've had to have some conversations, explaining recent events to my oldest children recently," she shared. "You can imagine how heart-wrenching it has been." The mother-of-six thanked her friends at The Child Mind Institute and book "It's Okay to Not Be Okay: Adults Get Big Feelings Too," for making it slightly easier on her. In particular, they helped Hilaria "explain the tremendous sadness and heartbreak to my children." She admitted to feeling confused about how to even approach the situation. In fact, the yoga instructor often finds herself wondering, "Shouldn't I know what to do?" Hilaria also thanked her followers for their support and kindness.


An insider close to the family previously shared that Hilaria was "very concerned" about her husband and was "committed to being there for him and taking care of him and their children." The actor, meanwhile, described cinematographer Halyna Hutchins as his "friend" and praised their tight-knit crew on the shoot. "There are incidental accidents on film sets from time to time, but nothing like this. This is a one-in-a-trillion episode. It's a one-in-a-trillion event," he admitted. It's yet to be determined whether Alec was legally at fault for what happened, but he is currently being sued alongside several others regardless.

