Expert Reveals Why Kate Middleton Is Worried About Her Children

Prince William and Kate Middleton appear to be a very loving support system for their three adorable children — Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis. According to Vanity Fair, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge try their best to keep their kids' lives as normal a possible despite the fact that their members of the royal family. "Because of who they are, William and Kate have had to be highly organized parents, but as parents, Wills and Kate have developed this brilliant knack of letting as much as they can seem spontaneous and that's how the children see it," a source previously told The Sun.


While William may not have had a normal upbringing, the couple is said to use Kate's childhood as a model for how they raise their own children. "She comes from a supportive family so she's very keen on family networks and networks of friends and organizations," the source said. "As parents they are also very good at rolling up their sleeves and helping out with school events; sports days, fundraisers and that sort of thing. They try to be just like normal parents with normal parenting challenges. No one ever jumps the queue for anything. They just try to fit in," the insider explained.

Now, a new report reveals that while Kate may have a good handle on her children's upbringing she still worries about them.


William and Kate want more practical gifts for their children this holiday season

The Daily Mail reports that as the holiday season is in full swing, Prince William and Kate Middleton are preparing like any other parents, and like most parents, they can often worry if their children are spending too much time in front of their screens. The outlet reveals that the Duchess of Cambridge is a bit worried that her "tech-savvy" oldest son, Prince George and his younger sister Princess Charlotte may be getting "too much screen time." This means, the royals are thinking hard about what they'll be buying their three children for the holidays.


Royal expert Katie Nicholl recently told OK! that William and Kate are "thinking more carefully" about what to give their kids, and have decided that they won't be buying them anything "extravagant" for Christmas. "George enjoys his iPad at school, both he and Charlotte are quite tech-savvy and, like most children, there probably are technical gadgets and such like on their wish list," Nicholl says. "If it is something that happens to be a computer game or something like that then they are cautious of screen time so it could be a more practical gift," she added.

Instead, Kate is said to offer her children alternative activities so they can play without the distraction of a screen.

Kate Middleton is said to be strict when it comes to screen time for her kids

Royal expert Katie Nicholl tells OK! that Kate Middleton is so concerned about how much time her children are spending in front of their devices that she has become very strict monitoring their screen time. "Kate is usually very strict on screen time and keeps it to a minimum," Nicholl said (via The Daily Mail). Instead, the duchess prefers that her kids be more creative during their downtime and gives them plenty of options to play and explore outdoors so that they don't have their iPads glued to their hands.


"They've got climbing frames, swings and a pond, and each of the children are in charge of their own little patch of the kitchen garden," the expert stated. Meanwhile, while it may be hard to keep the older Cambridge kids off of their devices, the youngest, Prince Louis, is said to be the "happiest" when he's running around outside of the family's Norfolk home.

William and Kate have gone as far as to ban iPads in their home

Prince William and Kate Middleton are determined to give their children a happy childhood, and sometimes that means unplugging from the screens, per Us Weekly. Sources tell the outlet that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have even gone as far as to ban iPads in their home so the kids aren't getting too much screen time. "They're very much seen as Mummy and Daddy's toys, not for children," the insider explained. "As two people who grew up without gadgets for entertainment themselves, William and Kate are firm believers in toys, outdoor play and encouraging an active imagination. They're very much a normal family."


Of course, the Cambridges' struggles to balance screen time for their children only make them all the more relatable to their fans across the globe, and reveal that although they're royals, they still face the same parenting challenges as the rest of us.

