Chris Cuomo Allegedly Wanted To Undermine This Fox News Star

Chris Cuomo has been riding multiple waves of controversy for some time. Before his brother, former New York governor Andrew Cuomo stepped down in disgrace, fans of CNN were calling for the anchor's head. Then, after initially being suspended, just last week, the younger Cuomo was fired from the network for defending the governor over the sex scandals that plagued his career and ultimately cost him his job.


Cuomo would go on to suffer more fallout after his firing from CNN, with Forbes reporting a sexual misconduct allegation has been leveled against him as well. The New York Times reports publisher HarperCollins subsequently pulled the plug on his upcoming book. And the former newsman's downward spiral hasn't even hit rock bottom, as it has now come to light that Cuomo had it out for a well-known female colleague.

Janice Dean, who serves as the weatherperson for Fox News, was a vocal critic of Andrew Cuomo, decrying his actions surrounding the handling of the pandemic in nursing homes (via AP News). She called his decisions "disastrous," and opined, "He needs to go to jail!" during Fox & Friends. It seems Dean's condemnation of his brother didn't go over well with Chris, who allegedly wanted to end her career (via New York Post).


Chris Cuomo and Andrew Cuomo's staff may have engaged in a plot to make Janice Dean look bad

As the New York Post reports, Cuomo allegedly referred to Dean as "that Fox weather b***h" in a text message. But it gets worse — the fallen CNN anchor was allegedly involved in an effort to discredit Dean, whose mother and father-in-law died from Covid-19 in long-term care facilities, thus spurring her push to make conditions safer in nursing homes (via Fox News).


Indeed, it's alleged that Cuomo reached out to his brother's staff via text message and in one instance, asked if they could help in making Dean look bad. "Any help painting her as a far right crazy?" he asked. As CNBC reports, the former governor's top aide, Melissa DeRosa, was involved in the campaign against Dean. The outlet notes the plan to discredit Dean may not have actually been put into action, but was discussed in detail behind the scenes.

For her part, Dean has not yet responded to these allegations, but most recently tweeted about her disdain for the Cuomos, writing in part, "If only these two brothers did their jobs instead of celebrating each other and joking around while thousands died. But they rubbed it in our faces and now they're gone." She also retweeted a story about the campaign to discredit her.


