Hillary Clinton Says Congressional GOP Members Did This For Donald Trump

Until November 2020, it was the normal practice of U.S. presidents whose terms had come to an end to return to their respective home states, perhaps retire, write their memoirs, and build their presidential libraries. Then there is former President Jimmy Carter, who went on to achieve more — like win the Nobel Peace Prize (via Politico).


This has not been the case with Donald Trump, who has spent his first post-presidential year telling followers that he did not lose, claiming that the elections had been stolen from him, and engaging in what CNN described as "political warfare." It's hardly a surprising turn, as Trump friend and Newsmax CEO Chris Ruddy points out, "He didn't play by the rules as President and he's certainly not going to as an ex-President."

What might have surprised people was how easily a majority GOP fell into lock step with the impeached former president, after he was linked to the deadly riot mounted against the U.S. Capitol. The GOP's depth of loyalty to Donald Trump is such that acolytes like South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham recently declared: "If you want to be a Republican leader in the House or the Senate and you don't have a relationship with Donald Trump, you cannot be effective. So I hope we'll get on the same page here" (via Insider). 


The GOP 'have hung up their spines': Clinton

So it should come as no surprise that former senator and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has come out to accuse the GOP of weakness when it came to dealing with Donald Trump. "Sadly, the Republican Party has gone along with [Trump], and for the life of me, people who I knew, who I served with, who fall in line on the outrageous accusations ... honestly they have hung their spines up on the wall as they walk into their office," Clinton said, during an interview (via Newsweek).


She added: "We are seeing the results of a party that has been taken over by a demagogue, and we know from history, that's not good news. We have to do much more than we're doing now to fight back against this very organized effort to undermine our elections."

Unlike political pundits who say are unsure about a Trump run in 2024, Clinton has this to say about her former opponent: "If I were a betting person right now, I'd say Trump is going to run again" (via HuffPost).

