Will Meghan Markle Be Deposed For Prince Andrew's Trial?

Prince Andrew is currently battling a civil lawsuit that was brought against him by Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who accused the royal of allegedly forcing her to have sex with him 3 times — in London, New York, and the U.S. Virgin Islands — when Giuffre was only 17. She encountered Andrew through his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein and his girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell. "...I was trafficked to him and sexually abused by him," Giuffre told People. "I am holding Prince Andrew accountable for what he did to me. The powerful and rich are not exempt from being held responsible for their actions."


The prince has denied the allegations, going as far as to say he has never even met Giuffre. However, he has been forced to "step back" from his public life as a member of the royal family, and his future within the family is in jeopardy, especially his role as a colonel. His ex-wife, Sarah Ferguson, has also voiced her support for the father of her 2 children. "Whatever challenges he has, I will stand firm to the co-parenters that we are together ... I believe that he's a kind, good man, and he's been a fabulous father to the girls," she said in an interview with People.

Still, Giuffre's attorney considered subpoenaing Ferguson to testify during the trial, but realizes it will be difficult because she is in the U.K. However, there is a member of the royal family who is also a U.S. citizen: Meghan Markle.


Other members of the royal family could be asked to testify

Virginia Giuffre's lawyer has said that there is a chance that Meghan Markle could be called to testify during the civil lawsuit filed against Prince Andrew. "One; she is in the U.S. so we have jurisdiction over her," David Boies told the Daily Beast. "Two; she is somebody who obviously, at least for a period of time, was a close associate of Prince Andrew and hence is in a position to perhaps have seen what he did, and perhaps if not to have seen what he did to have heard people talk about it. Because of her past association with him, she may very well have important knowledge, and will certainly have some knowledge. Three; she is somebody who we can count on to tell the truth. She checks all three boxes."


Prince Andrew's attorneys have filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit, but if that bid fails, the suit will move into full discovery mode, where he will "be forced to give evidence under oath." Boies added, "He has no way of escaping that." The attorney is not closing the door on other members of the royal family being called to testify, although the British courts would have to approve the request. "We would likely take one or two depositions of people close to Andrew who would have knowledge of his actions. That might include his ex-wife. It could possibly be his brother," said Boies.

