A Friend Of Ghislaine Maxwell Reveals Startling Details About Her Divorce

Ghislaine Maxwell is most well-known as the former girlfriend of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, a relationship that has helped land her in jail. Maxwell was found guilty in December 2021 of five of six sex-trafficking charges and is facing 60 years in prison. And one of the most surprising facts to come out during her incarceration is that Maxwell was secretly married in 2016 to tech CEO Scott Borgerson. Before her arrest, Maxwell was reportedly hiding out at Borgerson's $3 million oceanfront property in Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts, according to the Daily Mail


The couple reportedly met at an ocean conservation event in Reykjavík in 2013. Borgerson was married at the time, but left his first wife, Rebecca Anne Piorunneck, with whom he shares two children, to be with Maxwell (per the New York Post). But it wasn't revealed until 2020 that Maxwell and Borgerson had tied the knot after she included the information in a bail application. In fact, even Maxwell's family members weren't aware that they had wed. "It's the first time we knew they were married, when we heard the word 'spouse' mentioned in the bail hearing," her brother, Ian Maxwell, told the New York Post.

Borgerson, however, was a no-show at Maxwell's trial — and now it seems that their union is officially over. 


Ghislaine Maxwell's husband ended their marriage during a phone call

Ghislaine Maxwell's husband reportedly told her their marriage was over during a phone call. According to the Daily Mail, Scott Borgerson dumped Maxwell for yoga instructor Kris McGinn. "There was a dramatic phone call between them, while she was in jail in solitary confinement. It became confrontational," a source told the U.K. paper. "Scott told her he had moved on and was seeing someone else. The marriage was past tense there and then. It's over. The marriage was over before the trial started."


Another source noted that Maxwell had stopped living at Borgerson's secluded Massachusetts estate after her former boyfriend Jeffrey Epstein was arrested in 2019 in an effort to protect Borgerson's two children from his previous marriage. "Once their home had been discovered she left, mostly to protect the children. They were being teased at school. Anyone associated with Ghislaine finds they become toxic," the informer explained. "When Epstein died the Maxwell family decided to protect their sister from the media and people who might be out to hurt her. She had a lot of death threats. The Maxwells insisted on sending her away but Scott insisted he could protect her if someone tried to invade their property."


Still, Maxwell moved to a home Tukedaway in early 2020, but Borgerson and his children would frequently visit. "They continued to live as a family. They were happy. Then it all came crashing down," said the source.

