Melania Trump Is Causing A Stir By Auctioning Off This Prized Possession

Melania Trump is no stranger to bad press. Even before her days in the White House with her husband, former President Donald Trump, she had her fair share of controversies (via Wion News). So, she's received both backlash for her past as well as in-office blunders.


While most of her husband's mistakes have been for things he has said or done, a lot of the former first lady's errors have been fashion related. Her most memorable one occurred when she wore a jacket that read "I really don't care, do you?" when touring a detention center that held migrant children (via BBC).

People were outraged by the message this jacket sent, but her communications chief stressed that it was simply a jacket and the former first lady meant nothing by it. Now, Trump is finding herself back in the spotlight and facing criticism revolving another piece of her controversial clothing.

Melania is selling a special item for a hefty cost

According to CNN, the former first lady is facing heat for one of her fashion accessories. However, it's not what you may think. It seems that Melania Trump is facing backlash for the way she is attempting to cut ties with one of her most prized possessions.


Trump is auctioning off her white hat that she wore during a visit with the first family of France. The white Hervé Pierre hat can be found along with a painting and an NFT for a hefty opening bid of $250,000, per Business Insider. Of course, with a price tag like that for an item that should hold some sort of sentimental value, many expected her to donate the funds to charity. While, a portion of the money will be donated to a charity for children, there isn't much information on that.

It seems Twitter is most upset with Trump's decision to auction off her items. One user wrote, "Don't bury the lead. This auction isn't for charity. It's another popularity grift. She might as well sign on to Cameo next." While others poked fun at the whole thing, stating, "I think I'm gonna put a bid of about $2.11 for it" (via Twitter).


