Steve Harvey Lands Himself In Hot Water With ABC Execs

Steve Harvey's new show, "Judge Steve Harvey," only started on January 4, yet he is already in trouble with upper management (via

The first case on this courtroom reality series involved Kristin Jones suing David Ronca, and to Ronca, Harvey said, "You're not on trial for your character, sir, you're on trial because of stupidity." He went on to say, "I promise you, if you was my son, I'd slap you right now," and he stopped everything to take a picture with Ronca. "I got to have that picture, 'cause you're the stupidest dude I've ever met, and I don't want to ever forget your face."


When appearing on "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" this week, Harvey shared that "ABC had a little talk with [him] afterwards," saying it isn't "politically correct to call anybody stupid."

On that episode of "Judge Steve Harvey," though, the host did go on to tell Ronca, "I'm joking with the stupid thing, because you're a really great guy, because you are handling your business in every aspect except one."

Steve Harvey thinks 'political correctness has killed comedy'

While promoting "Judge Steve Harvey" on a Television Critics Association panel, Steve Harvey shared his thoughts on political correctness and the act of canceling people (via Hollywood Reporter).

"We're in the cancel culture now. Nobody can say anything he wants to," he stated. "Every joke now, it hurts somebody's feelings. What people don't understand about comedians is that a joke has to be about something. It has to be about somebody. We can't write jokes about puppies all the time. The joke can't be about bushes all the time. Some of these jokes have to be about people, because that's the most interesting topic."


Harvey went on to say that if he had continued with stand-up comedy, he would not have been able to maintain that career, since "political correctness has killed comedy." He went on, "So if I come back, I have to wait until I'm done [with my TV career]. And I'm not done. I'd have to call it 'This Is It' or something like that."

