How Zahara Jolie-Pitt Is Following In Angelina's Footsteps

Angelina Jolie has long been an activist for humanitarian causes, and she feels strongly that it is her duty to instill the same values in her children (via ABC). Jolie's activism began in 2001 when she began working for the United Nations' refugee agency, and her passions and causes have since expanded to promotion equality for women in addition to generally combatting injustice across the world, while still dedicating time and energy to protecting and helping refugees. In 2019, she told the Associated Press that these causes are the most important things in her life, next to her six kids. 


"But in many ways, they go hand in hand," she said, referring to her children and her activism. "It's what I hope my children know is important." Flash forward to 2022, and it appears her children are in fact taking up these causes along with their mother. Specifically, Jolie's 16-year-old daughter Zahara Jolie-Pitt most recently made headlines by joining a meeting with her mother and lawmakers about women's equality (via W Magazine).  

How Zahara is walking in her mother's footsteps

Last week, Angeline Jolie and her teen daughter Zahara went Washington DC to meet with Texas representative Sheila Jackson Lee and Alaska senator Lisa Murkowski, along with groups like the National Indigenous Women's Resource Center (via W Magazine). The purpose of the meetings was for the group to encourage the renewal of the 1994 Violence Against Women Act. This renewal is something Representative Lee has been fighting for for several years. 


Specifically, Jolie and the group hope to update the act to include protections for indigenous women, women of color, children, and people who live in rural America. "We need reforms including judicial training, trauma-informed court processes that minimize the risk of harm to children, grant programs for technology to detect bruising across all skin tones and create non-biased forensic evidence collection, and protections for the most vulnerable," wrote Angelina Jolie on the subject. 

Jolie also wrote on her Instagram that she was "honored to visit Washington, DC, with Zahara, working with advocates and lawmakers to modernize and strengthen the #ViolenceAgainstWomenAct."

