The Subtle Hint Meghan Markle Uses To Get Prince Harry To Stop Talking To Fans

Ever since their public debut as a couple, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been under an incredible amount of scrutiny. The Duchess, in particular, has been the target of a lot of negative press, leading her husband to break rank and pen an essay calling out the media's allegedly racist and sexist abuse of Markle all the way back in 2017, per Stylist. In fact, intense press intrusion into their relationship was a major contributing factor to the couple defecting from the royal family just a few years later.


Even so, the appetite for negative coverage of Markle remains high. In November 2021, self-professed body language expert Jesús Enrique Rosas shared a YouTube video, which he claimed exposed the former actor for "using a secret controlling gesture on Harry." The footage shows Markle interrupting her husband mid-conversation by placing a hand on his back, thereby signaling that it was time to go. The Duke registers the move, makes his excuses, and the couple leaves. 

Rosas suggested this behavior was rude, but he also acknowledged that Markle, who was pregnant at the time, likely had just had enough and didn't want to waste any more time. Regardless, Harry "already knows that when Meghan approaches him in a certain way and touches him in a certain way, he should behave in a certain way." Now, Meghan's go-to move has been singled out once more as demonstrative of her clear, non-verbal cue for Harry to stop talking. 


Meghan Markle does this to let her husband know it's time to move on

In a chat with The Express, body language expert Jesús Enrique Rosas, aka the Body Language Guy on YouTube, reiterated how Meghan Markle signals it's time for Prince Harry to move on. "Whether it's the [Commonwealth Day 2019] video, or the red dress [Annual Salute to Freedom Gala] video, or the Oprah video where she wanted Harry to stop talking, she used that touch that is more like a tap," he claimed. Rosas analyzed years of footage of the famous couple and surmised that this is her way of telling Harry to stop talking. 


It's not just Harry either; at the WellChild Awards in 2019, the Duchess did likewise to let an attendee know it was time to move on. "She taps her arm then goes to grab her purse," Rosas pointed out. "And touching the lady and grabbing her purse means let's go." According to the body language expert, "Meghan controlling Harry's behavior, in the most public way possible, is nothing new." Moreover, the Prince typically acknowledges his wife's signal and immediately stops whatever he's doing. 

However, the fact Harry notices what Meghan wants but she allegedly doesn't return the favor means they aren't completely in sync. As Rosas concluded, "Harry picks up the body language signals of Meghan, but Meghan either doesn't pick up Harry's signals, or she just doesn't care about them."


