Did Shayne And Natalie Get Back Together After Love Is Blind Was Over?

The quest for love comes in all different styles, but for these two in was blind. Shayne Jansen and Natalie Lee met in the pods on Netflix's 2nd season of "Love Is Blind" and they were a clear fan favorite. Between his awkward mannerisms and her witty comebacks, the world fell in love with them as they fell in love with each other. To just about everyone's surprise, even some cast members, their marriage didn't go through. Lee ended up saying "no" to Jansen at the alter, but it looks like the two aren't ruling out a relationship in the future.


Everything looked like smooth sailing for Jansen and Lee all the way through Mexico and the apartments. But it turns out the two had a pretty nasty argument the night of the bachelor and bachelorette parties. While the two haven't disclosed a whole lot of information about what was said or why the argument started, Lee named the night as the sole reason that she denied Jansen at the alter.

The love was so strong between the two that, despite Lee turning Jansen down, the two did reconnect after the show. Here's everything you need to know and Jansen and Lee's relationship, so you can root for them off-screen as well.

Natalie and Shayne dated again after Love Is Blind

Yes, the rumors are true. According to the Netflix "Love Is Blind" reunion, Shayne Jansen and Natalie Lee did date after their time on the show. The love that these two had for each other was so strong that they decided to try again without the pressures of a camera crew and marriage. 


"So is this the first time that you guys have seen each other since your wedding?" Vanessa Lachey asks during the "Love Is Blind reunion. "We gave it another shot after our wedding day," Lee says in response. "We dated again without the pressures." Shayne replies with "it was just too fresh" while Lee added that she wasn't able to get herself to move on from the pre-wedding argument. 

Unfortunately, it didn't work out for the two. In fact, only two couples made it down the aisle — Jarette Jones and Iyanna McNeely and Nick Thompson and Danielle Ruhl. There's no saying what will happen in the future though.

There's hope for a future relationship

It might not have been a fairytale ending for Shayne Jansen and Natalie Lee, but that doesn't mean that there still isn't a whole lot of love still between them. They shared heartfelt posts to one another on Instagram and both were extremely vulnerable and honest.


"This journey with you will be something I'll never forget. It was easily the best time of my life and I would do it all over again knowing I get to spend more time with you," Jansen says in his post. "I don't know what's next for us but I do know that I will never stop loving you." That sounds to us like there's a very real possibility of the two getting back together in the future.

Lee's post also echoed Jansen's sentiment, saying "even if I did this experiment a thousand times knowing the outcome, I would have always chosen you." Jansen commented one word underneath her post — "always."

Ugh, the heartbreak! Fingers crossed that these two can figure out a way to stay in each other's lives, because this love is poetic.


