Inside The 2022 International Women's Day Theme

March 8 is International Women's Day — a day to celebrate women's achievements, and to help support and fight for women's rights and equality (via UN). On this day, you may see pictures on social media of people holding up their arms with their wrists crossed in the form of an x-shape. This is in representation of this year's theme: #BreaktheBias (via International Women's Day). Celebrities, politicians, and brands are all taking to social media for International Women's Day to celebrate this new campaign.


The theme, according to the International Women's day website, is designed to highlight how the world would be different, and better, if it was "a gender equal world." They also highlight how collective action is needed to create this type of environment for everyone. The website places an emphasis on creating a world that is "diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated."

The organization calls out the responsibilities we all have in our daily lives to achieve this goal. "Individually, we're all responsible for our own thoughts and actions — all day, every day," they said. Each day, we have the chance to speak up for women's equality by taking a stand on this important topic. Posting a picture using #BreaktheBias is meant to show a dedication to speaking up against bias and discrimination in the workplace, at school, and in all other areas of your life.


International Women's Day reminds the world to fight for women's equality

International Women's Day also noted on their website that realizing the gender bias exists is only the first step, and that the knowledge of gender inequity should be followed by action to create a noticeable improvement. The organization also acknowledged that this bias could be unconscious. For example, women may be perceived negatively as bossy during instances where their actions would be considered assertive, or that of a leader, if performed by a man (via Forbes).


Women also work more throughout their lives, but they get paid less for it. That can be chalked up to two things: The gender pay gap and how it affects women, and unpaid work. According to the Pew Research Center, American women make on average 84% of what a man makes. Women also tend to do more unpaid work, like childcare and housework (via The New York Times).

Achieving gender equality isn't just important in the workplace. For this year's International Women's Day, the United Nations highlighted the fact that most of the world's poor are women, and they also face an increased risk of displacement due to climate change. The UN believes that educating and empowering women in climate action and sustainability will provide a better future for everyone, no matter their gender. This fits in nicely with the 2022 campaign theme of breaking the bias, as it highlights how this step can create a better world for everyone.


