Here's What Megan Fox Looks Like Going Makeup-Free

Actress Megan Fox has graced the big screen in a plethora of movies, and we can always count on Fox to deliver an excellent performance. She's also graced the headlines due to her high-profile romance with musician Machine Gun Kelly.


In addition to her acting chops, Fox is known as a stunning beauty. With flowing dark hair, mesmerizing light eyes, and defined cheekbones, there's no wonder why she's considered one of the most beautiful actresses. Fox has had such an impact on the beauty industry that fans even wanted to know the exact lip color she wore in "Jennifer's Body."

Britannica noted that Fox has been acting since she was only 13-years-old, and she started modeling at that age as well. Considering how gorgeous Fox always looks, it's not surprising that she has some modeling experience. Since she's known as one of the most beautiful movie stars in the world, of course we're  curious to see what Fox looks like without makeup.


Megan Fox makeup-free and gorgeous

When looking at Megan Fox's Instagram page, you'll see lots of pictures of her in fun outfits, and a variety of selfies with perfectly done makeup. The actress loves lots of vibrant pops of color and a bold lip


While we love seeing all these glamorous shots of Fox, we were even more blown away by a selfie she posted on Instagram back in 2014. Her caption explained that although she used a filter for the image, she wasn't wearing makeup. While we expected Fox to still look pretty without any makeup, we can't get over how naturally stunning her features look without makeup.

However beautiful she may appear to us, Fox confessed in an interview with GQ Magazine that appearances can be deceptive. "We may look at somebody and think, "That person's so beautiful. Their life must be so easy," she explained. "I have body dysmorphia. I have a lot of deep insecurities." 

Fox is an honest person, whether she's revealing her biggest fear or her issues with self-esteem. While Fox doesn't look like any average person you'd find walking around, her words make it clear that she feels every bit as insecure as a lot of us. She proves that we shouldn't compare ourselves to the makeup-covered faces we see on-screen, as many insecurities may lie beneath them.


