The Real Reason TLC Canceled Sweet Home Sextuplets

In 2017, Alabama parents Courtney and Eric Waldrop turned to IVF in hopes of adding to their family. Already parents to three sons — two of whom are twins — they had already undergone fertility treatments once, following a series of heartbreaking miscarriages, per People. The couple learned that this latest attempt to conceive was extremely successful: Courtney was pregnant with six babies. The Waldrops' family adventures were chronicled for three years on the TLC show "Sweet Home Sextuplets."


Because the pregnancy was so risky for both mother and babies, Courtney's doctors brought up the option of reducing the number of fetuses to increase the odds of a healthy birth. The Waldrops rejected that suggestion, trusting that they could handle whatever God had in store for them. Their faith was rewarded in December 2017 when Courtney safely delivered her six babies via caesarean section. Their names are as unique as the family itself, according to the Daily Mail. The three boys are Layke Bryars, Blu Wellington, and Tag Bricker, and their sisters are Rawlings McClaine, Rivers McCall, and Rayne McCoy. 

As is typical for premature babies, the sextuplets stayed in the hospital's neonatal intensive care unit for weeks until they were strong enough to come home. Rivers and Rawlings were the first to leave the hospital, after 53 days, via Courtney's Facebook page, and the boys were the last to leave at 72 days. But that was only the beginning of the family's ongoing adventure.


The kids have grown up quickly

Once all the babies were safely home, "Sweet Home Sextuplets" focused on Eric and Courtney Waldrop's everyday challenges as a sudden family of eleven. In addition to their active sons Saylor, Bridge and Wales, they now had six healthy babies who kept them busy with diaper changes, feedings, and demands for attention. The show chronicled everyday challenges like birthday parties, potty training, getting through flu season, and living in a small mobile home while their larger house was being built. The Waldrops also own a small farm with cattle, sheep and chickens, making their schedule nonstop. 


As of April 2022, the sextuplets are 4 years old; big brother Saylor is 13, and twins Bridge and Wales are 10. Fans enjoyed seeing them grow in the 3 seasons that "Sextuplets" was on the air. But the show stopped filming in July 2020, and the network has offered no information on a 4th season. Naturally, fans have been eager for news. Courtney's Instagram posts contain lots of comments like, "When is your show coming back?"

Last summer, the Waldrops took to their YouTube channel to update fans on their family and the future of their show — and the update left fans disappointed but sympathetic.

The Waldrops are putting their family above fame

In a video they posted to their YouTube channel in July 2021, Eric and Courtney Waldrop answered their fans' questions. The couple explained that TLC first approached them about doing the series when Courtney was still pregnant with the sextuplets, and they weren't sure how it would pan out. "We made the decision that, 'Okay, we'll do it, we'll give it a shot, and if it ever becomes something that's hard on our family, that's hard on our kids, then we'll stop,'" Courtney explained.


In 2021, TLC approached the Waldrops about adding a 4th season. "We have decided that what's best for our family ... is to not continue with the show," said Courtney. Between Eric's landscaping job, the family farm, and parenting nine active children, they had enough to do without adding the stress of the show. "There's nothing in this world that we would want to put before our family," Courtney explained. Eric added, "We know it's for the best for our family, and we're very happy right now."

Comments on the video have been positive and supportive. One said in part: "I'll miss [your] show so much, I loved it, but don't apologize for putting your kids first, that's all that matters." Another wrote: "Watching your family has been a total treat for my daughter and I ... I subscribe to your YouTube channel, and will enjoy keeping up on the growing joys in your life."


