Elon Musk Makes His Feelings About Donald Trump's 2024 Candidacy Abundantly Clear

Donald Trump's political future faces some unexpected roadblocks following the loss of his latest heavily backed candidate, Charles Herbster, in the Nebraskan gubernatorial election. Trump has been throwing his support behind local politicians left and right in an effort to solidify his position in the political sphere. The former reality star remains reticent about confirming whether he plans to run for president again in 2024, however. The latest news out of Trump Tower saw disgraced former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani divulging to the New York Post that his old buddy was probably planning to run again.


"My instinct is he's running," Giuliani shared. "I have known him for a long time. I see what he's doing and how he's preparing, and he sounds to me like a man who is excited about the possibility of running." Trump hasn't told him either way, but Giuliani is fairly confident. The controversial politician might not have the support of his party, though. ABC News reports high-ranking Republican donors are funding the campaigns of those running against Trump-endorsed candidates in the midterm elections. They're sick of him controlling everything, and there's continuing discontent over Trump's refusal to concede his 2020 loss, too.

Meanwhile, Elon Musk has some thoughts on whether Trump would be the best candidate for the party to put forward in 2024.


Elon Musk reckons Donald Trump might not be the wisest candidate

Elon Musk made his feelings about another potential Donald Trump presidential run clear when he tweeted, "I think a less divisive candidate would be better in 2024." However, the Tesla founder added, "I still think Trump should be restored to Twitter." Musk has a good relationship with Trump, but he's been dragging his feet about restoring the controversial politician to the platform ever since his lucrative acquisition of it. Musk finally made a decision about Trump's Twitter ban earlier this week, but as of yet, he hasn't returned. Nor has the former president responded to the tech billionaire.


Musk followed up by stating, "Biden's mistake is that he thinks he was elected to transform the country, but actually everyone just wanted less drama." Funnily enough, per Politico, both Trump and President Joe Biden have made it clear to their aides they're committed to running again in 2024 if the other man runs. As a result, they're at a stalemate since neither wants to be the one to pull the trigger. 

"It's a very unusual situation where there are people in both parties who would likely clear the field, and for the first time in modern history we might not have a very competitive primary on either side," opined Republican strategist Alex Conant. He added, "So it's hard to think of what that would look like other than it being a brutally long election campaign."


