Whoopi Goldberg Lashes Out At Sunny Hostin Over A Certain Conspiracy Theory

In early 2022, Whoopi Goldberg was suspended from "The View" for two weeks following controversial comments she made about the Holocaust. As Variety reported at the time, the beloved TV personality was in good spirits upon her return, telling viewers, "There's something kind of marvelous about being on a show like this, because we are 'The View' and this is what we do. And sometimes we don't do it as delicately as we could ... But it's five minutes to get in important information about topics. And that's what we try to do every day."


Goldberg emphasized how crucial it is to keep the conversation going, particularly when it's tough, acknowledging how seriously she takes being on "The View." The "Sister Act" star apologized, both on social media and live on air, for claiming during a previous broadcast that the Holocaust wasn't "about race." Her comments drew widespread condemnation, including from network ABC. Goldberg has hardly held back since her return to the hit show, however, most recently getting visibly emotional during a discussion of the proposed overturn of Roe v. Wade, per Deadline

In particular, she railed against religious fundamentalists who treat women who get abortions like criminals. Goldberg is taking a break from "The View" to shoot an upcoming Amazon Prime series, but before she heads off, the outspoken TV personality is making her presence on the hit talk show felt. 


Whoopi Goldberg wasn't taking any prisoners

Whoopi Goldberg isn't having it. According to Decider, during a recent episode of "The View," the beloved TV personality let loose on co-host Sunny Hostin for trying to rationalize the "Great Replacement" conspiracy theory, which posits that white people are being forcibly driven out by POC in a deliberate attempt to control the world. The teenage shooter accused of killing 10 shoppers and injuring three others — eleven of whom were Black — in Buffalo espoused the theory in his lengthy manifesto (via Sky News).


Goldberg grew increasingly irritated by the conversation, eventually stating, "If you can send me proof that you have been replaced, or 10 people you know have been replaced by me, or any of the Black and Brown or the Jewish people that you know, who have actively been replaced, you have to explain where they went." The Wrap notes Goldberg shut down Hostin, who tried to discuss America's changing demographics, by stating emphatically, "Nobody's trying to replace you, you're trying to replace us. We're not going anywhere. Doing this is not going to help." 

Hostin tried to be empathetic to those who feel the country is being overrun by POC, but the "Sister Act" star was having none of it. Ana Navarro also expressed disgust at the likes of Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who actively promote "The Great Replacement" theory on air. Notably, as The Guardian points out, they've abruptly stopped discussing it since the Buffalo shooting occurred. 


