Which Is Better For Online Thrifting: Poshmark Or Depop?

Whether you prefer baby tees or flared jeans, you've probably heard of thrifting. You could be looking for a specific brand or just browsing, but it cannot be denied that thrifting has taken on a newer and cooler reputation. No longer just for broke college students, it has become the favorite pastime of many teens and young adults (via NPR). Some have even made a living out of buying and reselling their best thrifted finds (via LA Magazine), a career which would have seemed unattainable a decade or so ago. 


Two of the leading online thrift stores at the moment are Depop and Poshmark. Both apps offer the same thing on the surface: a way to thrift on those days where you don't feel like going outside to do so. They may sound overly similar, but both apps differ in terms of their design, usability, social status, and profits after pay. Their aesthetics are also wildly different. We've outlined the key aspects of each app so you can decide which one would best suits your thrifting goals.

Depop has gained massive popularity recently

Known all over the world, Depop has become a haven for Gen Z fashion lovers who want to find and wear the next big thing. It was bought in 2021 by Etsy for a huge $1.6 billion dollars (via Vox), making it even more of a hot commodity app despite some regular thrifters despising it. So, what are its main benefits? As mentioned above, Depop is extremely popular amongst younger audiences, especially those 26 and under. Its interface looks like a social media platform, with curated laid-out photos in squares much like Instagram. The better your photos are, the more likely they are to be picked up by the algorithm and showcased on the homepage. However, as with all social media, the algorithm is fickle (via The Verge).


As for selling, Depop takes 10% of each sale no matter the cost of the item you have sold. It also has an agreement with PayPal that will protect you and your money if anything goes wrong with the sale, though this deal will take more money from you too. The amount depends on the price of the item. As for usability, Depop utilizes your data to curate suitable items for your homepage (via Nylon). You can pick specific styles, too, like vintage or Y2K clothing. Finally, on Depop you can privately DM somebody to ask for information on an item or to barter your price (which is encouraged). 

Poshmark tends to be more popular with a slightly older audience

On the other hand, Poshmark is more common among millennials, though Gen Z does use it too (via Mashable). 

The biggest difference between the two apps is that, unlike on Depop, there is no way to message sellers privately on Poshmark. Every conversation you have is out in the open. This can be a good thing by helping to prevent harassment, but it can also be intimidating to new users who feel awkward about haggling. As for fees, Poshmark takes a flat fee of $2.95 from every sale under $15. If you're selling something over this price, the fee goes up to 20%. This is definitely frustrating if you just want to make a few bucks extra on top of what you paid for an item. The interface of Poshmark is less aesthetic, too, which could be relieving for those who feel pressured about creating a perfect feed. Plus, unlike Depop's fair-game policy on price gouging as stated in their handbook, Poshmark is actively against raising prices and will take action against users who price items ridiculously high (via Nylon). 


In summary, Depop is a cool and easy to use app, whereas Poshmark is more laid-back but less private. Overall, we would recommend Depop over Poshmark for online thrifting. This is due to its usability, fashion-forward creators, and the trends that are available to shop, all of which make it more likely you'll discover your new favorite find.

