How The June 28 New Moon Will Affect You If You're An Aquarius

June's new moon in Cancer means a re-centering in wellness and comfort is on the horizon, according to PopSugar. The water sign brings healing and emotional change for the better, and it may feel like a clarifying moment for your close relationships. The new moon is a refreshing moment in the monthly cycle, and with the added players Jupiter and Neptune, the Zodiac signs may see a range of results. 


Jupiter will move through Aries, likely igniting your social instincts. However, this may feel like a contradiction to Cancer's desire for a restful home life and time for recuperation. Neptune is in retrograde, which means we will be asked to reevaluate or expectations and be honest about what we can realistically expect from others. 

Though Neptune's planetary movement will have a less profound impact on a fixed Aquarius than more mutable signs, it will help them come down from their dreamy ideals for the latter half of 2022. This doesn't mean an Aquarius won't see their dreams becoming a reality through some important wins during June's new moon.

An Aquarius can use the new moon in Cancer to focus on self-care

PopSugar's astrological forecast for the new moon in Cancer predicts that an Aquarius will be finding new ways to achieve their long-term goals. This could manifest in the ways they care for their bodies and minds or even see the ambitious sign easing into more realistic daily plans and expectations.


It's also important for an Aquarius to trust their instincts during the new moon. As they adjust their habits, Woman & Home suggests that they prioritize what works and let go of what hasn't in the past. Another strategy to benefit this fixed sign is to pace themselves on the path toward their goals. Things are coming together bit by bit, and the progress may not be visible until they take a step back from the details when everything is said and done.

It's also the perfect time for an Aquarius to indulge in some pampering if their busy schedule allows. Winding down can be as vital to success as productive work time for this creative air sign. The new moon may remind an Aquarius that they already know how to get the results they want, but it may require them to temporarily ground themselves before getting carried away with new big ideas.


An Aquarius may need to center themselves after a social month

Refinery29 points to an Aquarius' boundaries as a crucial factor in the June 28 new moon. With Cancer's influence, the sign will need to balance their compassion for others with their love for themselves and find a happy medium that leaves them with enough energy to take care of issues on the home front. Coming down from the mid-month full moon in Sagittarius also means a recovery period from exhilarating — but tiring — social escapades. 


Summer travel may also leave an Aquarius feeling worn out, and they should enjoy some well-earned down time. The air sign's creative impulses can combine this month with a problem-solving mindset, leaving an Aquarius with solutions that benefit both their immediate and future goals (via Woman & Home).

Brainstorming is a great place for an Aquarius to start restructuring their plans, especially when it comes to building in extra time for themselves to inevitably wander off task. Intentions matter during this new moon, and starting the day by journalling can help ease an Aquarius into a steadier flow for the rest of the summer.

