If You're An Enneagram Type 6, You Should Try This Wellness Trend

No one is immune to stress. However, the common causes of stress certainly differ from person to person depending on their Enneagram type. For instance, if you identify as "The Achiever," type Three, then stress can be caused by lack of approval, as noted by MindBodyGreen. Whereas, if you are "The Individualist," type Four, then stress often occurs in moments when you feel misunderstood. Meanwhile, if you are "The Loyalist," type Six, anxiety is often spurred by future events, particularly if these events are unfamiliar.


Understanding what triggers stress for you can go a long way in helping you find ways to unwind and relax. According to the Enneagram Institute, the core goal for a type Six is to feel secure and grounded, whether that's through support or structure. Described as individuals who are "running on stress while complaining about it," many things can stir up stress in a Six. For loyalists, stress can be triggered by over committing, imagining worse case scenarios, and experiencing a lack of structure (via Psychology Junkie). For individuals who tend to get caught up in things they can't control, there are several de-stressing tactics that loyalists can particularly benefit from.

Meditation can help loyalists clear their minds and offload stress

As individuals who fear the unknown, loyalists can often spiral down a rabbit hole when thinking about future events. This behavior often leads to "catastrophizing," which Healthline defines as "when someone assumes that the worst will happen."


Whether you have an upcoming exam, a pending performance review with your boss, or a big family reunion next week, there are several healthy coping mechanisms you can utilize to offload your anxieties. To help clear your head of overwhelming and stressful thoughts, The Every Girl recommends meditating using an app such as Headspace, Unplug, or SuperHuman. Meditation has many scientifically proven benefits including improving sleep, increasing self-awareness, and reducing anxiety. 

Writing down everything you are thinking or feeling is another healthy way to offload your stress, as recommended by Truity. Using this tactic helps you literally transfer all of the stressful thoughts from your brain to a piece of paper. Once all of your worries have been written down, you can then begin to work through each one. It's important to remind yourself of a few things when looking at that list. For one, not all of these worries are within your control, and not all of these worries are your burdens to bear.


Working through your worries with a friend can go a long way

According to Truity, loyalists prefer to be alone during times of stress, but that doesn't mean that these individuals can't benefit from the help of a loved one. It can be very beneficial for loyalists to talk through their stressors with a friend or family member. Before launching into what's worrying you, make sure to preface your conversation with what you want to get out of it. For instance, you may be seeking advice or consolation, or you may simply be looking for someone to vent to.


If you are a loved one helping out a type Six, there are several go-to strategies that you can utilize, as noted by Psychology Junkie. As a loyalist talks through their worries and fears, do not invalidate them, but rather work through what a worse case scenario might look like. Then, remind them that while it's always possible that the worst case scenario may come true, there's also a chance that the best case scenario will occur instead.

Aside from talking through their worries, there are also ways to nudge loyalists away from obsessing over far-fetched fears. Encourage your loved one to check in with themselves and respond to their needs. If they are feeling overtired, they might benefit from a nap, whereas if they are feeling restless, then a quick workout might go a long way. Occasionally they may feel overburdened or over committed, and might need help canceling plans.


