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The Huge Secret Jared Kushner Kept During Donald Trump's Time In Office

Former president Donald Trump and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, seemed to have a close relationship while they wandered the halls of the White House. When Trump was in office, Kushner infamously served as a senior advisor, entrusted with important tasks within the administration including working on a peace plan for the Middle East (via Time). Ivanka Trump's husband also oversaw the "Office of American Innovation," which was an attempt at changing how the government is run — no small feat — just to name a few of his tasks.


According to The Atlantic, Kushner was the second most powerful man in the White House, serving in a major role despite not having any experience in politics. The father of three followed in the footsteps of the famous family when it comes to distrusting the media, telling Forbes that he doesn't conduct interviews with the press anymore. Now that "The Donald" has left office, Kushner and his famous wife have taken noticeable steps away from the Trump family and political name, backing away from Donald specifically. Ivanka, for her part, has even taken part in the January 6 committee's investigation, prompting even more tension amid the family. 

With all of that said, it's no wonder that secrets run rampant amid the Trump family and its extended members. As for Kushner, he kept a truth hidden away from his father-in-law while he was in office, and it will certainly come as a surprise. 


Kushner went through a serious medical procedure while serving in the Trump Administration

Jared Kushner, both the son-in-law and senior advisor to former president Donald Trump, kept a thyroid cancer diagnosis under wraps while serving in the White House, admitting to the health scare in his upcoming book. In the new memoir, "Breaking History: A White House Memoir," Kushner divulges that he was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and had surgery to remove a tumor, trying to keep the medical scare away from Donald. He was in the process of a major trade conversation (and eventual all out war) with China at the time (via The Daily Beast).


"As this high-wire act of trade talks with the Chinese progressed, I had to confront an unexpected and frightening personal problem," Kushner writes in the book. "On the morning that I traveled to Texas to attend the opening of a Louis Vuitton factory, White House physician Sean Conley pulled me into the medical cabin on Air Force One. 'Your test results came back from Walter Reed,' he said. 'It looks like you have cancer. We need to schedule a surgery right away.'"

Kushner goes on to reveal in his memoir that he told his wife, Ivanka Trump, his updated health news the following morning — from there, he did his best to keep the information away from everyone, including the then-president. The day before his surgery, Kushner met with Donald in the Oval Office, with the 44th president telling his advisor that he knew about his upcoming procedure. Kushner's attempt at secrecy failed, but his cancer diagnosis and surgery is still news to us. 


