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If You're An Enneagram Type 7, You Should Watch These TV Shows

The Enneagram Seven, a.k.a. The Enthusiast, is not one to pass up on an adventure in their lives, and their media consumption is no different. Truity describes Sevens as needing perpetual entertainment and opportunities for joy in order for them to feel like themselves. 


Book Riot sees Type Seven as a bit all over the place, though they're excited to show up however they can for others. They are driven by both fun and a sense of purpose, and the outlet pairs them with super whimsical fictional characters like Peter Pan and Fred and George Weasley from the "Harry Potter" series. Sure, these characters may lack discipline, or find themselves resisting growth at times, but they are ultimately as kind-hearted as they are fun-loving, making them protagonists we love to root for.

The Every Girl sees Seven as more of a Frankie from "Grace and Frankie" — someone who is led by their passions but struggles to slow down and take stock of things when necessary. Fans of the show know that Frankie is anything but boring, and that she's a prime example of a Seven who will bring others with them as they take a joy ride through life.


Per Truity, boredom is one of Seven's greatest fears, so they will do almost anything to avoid it — whether that's starting a new project, planning a trip, or picking out the ideal new TV show to escape into. 

These shows are adventures from the couch

Crystal Knows recommends "Brooklyn 99" as a super fun episodic show that doesn't revolve around drama, but rather its outlandish investigative cases and characters' hilarious interpersonal dynamics. Much like Type Seven, the show tends to bury its big heart under layers of excitement and distraction, but that doesn't detract from the deep emotional range its characters experience — from Rosa (played by Stephanie Beatriz) reckoning with the role of police in POC communities to the nuanced friendships between coworkers like Jake and the chief. 


And, of course, Sevens will be able to indulge their romantic side along with all the fun, living vicariously through Amy and Jake's opposites-attract love story and playful relationship. The show is also known for the iconic pranks and heists its characters pull off, making it perfect for the Seven who have found themselves filling the role of class clown to lighten the mood of a room or soften a serious blow.

Crystal Knows also recommends "The Chef Show" as a way for Sevens to indulge their wanderlust and experimental sensibilities through cooking and international cuisine. Another engaging option is Netflix's "Ugly Delicious," which picks a dish and follows its preparation style around the world. Shows like these may inspire Sevens to turn up the heat on their own cooking, or just serve as aesthetically-pleasing content to consume while completing five other tasks. 


This show's characters use positivity as an avoidance tactic

Type Cast's helpful YouTube video on Type Seven in Film and Television gives some additional perspective on the roles Sevens may see themselves filling in their own lives — or starring in the fictional sitcoms inside their heads. 


The video quotes the book "The Wisdom of the Enneagram." "As long as they can keep their attention occupied with positive expectations, Sevens can hold their pain and anxiety at bay," the authors state. "[Sevens] do not want to deal with their anxiety or examine its causes in their lives because doing so draws them inward, making them more anxious. They therefore throw themselves into more and more experiences to avoid having to face anxiety." 

Chris Traeger, played by Rob Lowe on "Parks and Recreation," is the perfect example of a Seven whose optimism borders on obsession. Chris keeps his body in perfect shape through constant activity, but often enters situations without taking stock of his emotions. 


Besides Chris' relatable coping mechanisms, Sevens are sure to love Andy Dwyer's free-spirited attitude and the Parks Department's overall sense of the ways that play can coincide with work. Heartfelt moments will sneak up on Sevens in the super silly sitcom, and they may catch themselves feeling more than they bargained for — but usually in a good way.

