Del Sandeen

Photo of Del Sandeen
The Real Housewives Of Atlanta And Potomac, Prince Harry And Meghan Markle, NBA
  • Del was thrilled to watch the televised Prince Harry and Meghan Markle wedding, making it the third major royal wedding she's been able to watch in her lifetime (behind Prince William and Princess Catherine, and Prince Charles and Princess Diana).
  • In her experience as lead editor at Nicki Swift features, she's had the pleasure of publishing interviews with various celebrities, including Chad L. Coleman and Sofia Reyes.
  • She's a big fan of anything NBA (the Playoffs is one of the best times of the year, in her opinion), and publishing basketball-related content is one of her favorite parts of the job.


Del's career as a writer began over two decades ago. She's written and edited for several online publications, including the former Her work has also been featured in Allure magazine and the AARP Sisters newsletter. She started as a copy editor at The List in 2021 before moving on to Nicki Swift and then Glam. Since late 2023, she's been happily editing at House Digest.

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Stories By Del Sandeen