Holly Dawsey

Photo of Holly Dawsey
New York, NY
University Of South Carolina
Beauty, Fashion, And Wellness
  • Holly is a women's lifestyle editor and expert with over 10 years of experience covering beauty, fashion, wellness, relationships, and more.
  • She's written for sites including Glam, Bustle, PopSugar, Health, and TruthInAging, as well as national print publications including Health, Self, and All You.
  • She currently lives in New York City, where she can stay on the pulse of new trends, treatments, and product launches.


Holly has worked as a women's lifestyle editor for over a decade now, specializing in beauty, fashion, and wellness, and has a clear understanding of the ideas that resonate with modern women. Her work appears in both national print publications, including Health and Self, and online for websites like Glam, Bustle, and PopSugar. As deputy editor of Glam, she oversees content across all verticals, audience engagement efforts, affiliate strategy, and brand partnerships. When she isn't editing, she is she is writing about the topics she's most passionate about, seeking out the next big trends, and helping to develop the next generation of writers through mentorship programs.


Holly attended the University of South Carolina, where she studied fashion and communications, and American Intercontinental University in Paris, where she studied trend forecasting.
The List Editorial Policies

The List's lifestyle content is created by an authoritative collaboration of editors, writers, and experts representing the ever-evolving world of style, beauty, wellness, relationships, entertainment, and more.

Enhanced by our trusted experts and writer knowledge, The List's editorial staff regularly assess our coverage to ensure that it is accurate, comprehensive and inclusive. Complete information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Holly Dawsey