Trinity Archie

Photo of Trinity Archie
Northern Arizona University
Celebrity Couples, Royals, Hollywood Feuds
  • Trinity sharpened her knowledge on the British royal family while writing for The List.
  • She shares her passion for wellness and lifestyle writing with her blog followers.
  • A few of the ghostwriting projects she has worked on allowed her to improve her entertainment news knowledge.


Trinity got her first taste of lifestyle and entertainment writing in an early-career role at The Lumberjack Newspaper. She later pursued freelance writing full-time. This allowed her to add wellness, beauty, and reality TV pieces to her portfolio. After working with a wide variety of clients, Trinity can confidently say that she is a well-rounded writer.


Trinity obtained her Bachelor of Science in journalism from Northern Arizona University.

The List Editorial Policies

The List's lifestyle content is created by an authoritative collaboration of editors, writers, and experts representing the ever-evolving world of style, beauty, wellness, relationships, entertainment, and more.

Enhanced by our trusted experts and writer knowledge, The List's editorial staff regularly assess our coverage to ensure that it is accurate, comprehensive and inclusive. Complete information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Trinity Archie