Kate Middleton Reveals Prince Louis' Heartbreaking Reaction To The Queen's Death

Four-year-old Prince Louis of Wales perhaps first won the affection of the world when his wild antics stole the show at the Queen's Platinum Jubilee in June of this year. Who could forget the young royal acting like, well, pretty much any other preschooler on planet Earth who has to dress up and sit still for a long period of time, with the tot alternatingly sulking and mugging for the cameras.


Now, with his mom Kate Middleton revealing the bittersweet reaction her youngest son had to learning that his great-grandmother had passed away, he is likely to win over the hearts of people everywhere once again.

The Princess of Wales shared what Louis said to her upon hearing the news while greeting crowds of mourners outside of Windsor Castle on Saturday. The occasion also saw the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and Cambridge and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex reuniting for the first time in over two years, with Twitter sharing many opinions about the difference in the body language between the two royal couples.

But the appearance yielded so much more about what is happening behind the scenes of the Cambridge family as they mourn the Queen.


Kate Middleton shared how Prince Louis took the bad news with children at the castle

The world was buzzing upon seeing Kate Middleton and Prince William and Meghan Markle and Prince Harry together again. The 40-minute appearance saw crowds cheering for the California-based royals and at one point, a mourner embraced the Duchess of Sussex and offered her a very meaningful message. 


Mourner Banita Ranow also told the Daily Mail that she overheard Kate telling some of the kids on hand to pay respects to the Queen, "Louis said at least Grannie is with great grandpa now."

Ranow also shared that the Princess of Wales seemed emotional and imparted the tale of telling her son the sad news about the Queen with tears in her eyes.

Meanwhile, it's been reported that the mom of three stayed behind when the Prince of Wales went to Balmoral before it was announced to the world the Queen had died for a very important reason.

Kate Middleton wanted to tell her kids about the Queen's death personally

It was widely reported that the Princess of Wales did not drop everything to gather at Balmoral with the rest of the senior royals because she wanted to be with her three children, who had just attended their first day of school, sadly, on the same day they lost their great-grandmother (via People).


According to sources, it was important to Kate Middleton to tell her kids, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis of Wales about the Queen's death personally so they wouldn't hear it from anyone else, or through a news report. As an insider told Closer Weekly, "She wanted them to hear about the tragic news directly from her to ease the blow. Kate used her words carefully and said that Elizabeth is in heaven with Prince Philip. There were lots of tears and hugs and naturally the children are upset."

Clearly Louis internalized his mom's comforting words about the Queen getting to be with her husband of nearly three-quarters of a century. He died last April, just a year-and-a-half before his wife.


At time of writing, the public has not yet seen the Cambridge kids since the Queen's death. It is being speculated that since schools will be close on September 19th when the funeral is to take place, all three of the Prince and Princess of Wales' young children will be in attendance (via Hello!).

