Insider Details What It Was Really Like To Attend The Queen's Funeral

Queen Elizabeth II's funeral was a monumental moment for the UK, as well as the rest of the world. As a result, it's expected that four billion people watched the historic event on television (via ScreenHub). Yet the difference between watching the queen's funeral on television and actually being there in person is something most of us can only imagine. President of the Royal College of Nursing, Dr. Denise Chaffer, attended the funeral, to represent the Royal College of Nursing. She told People a bit about how it felt to actually be in the room, saying that, at Westminster Abbey, there was an "incredible atmosphere. People were so respectful and completely calm — you could feel the sadness in the air. I'm almost lost for words." Overall, she called the event "incredibly moving and incredibly sad."


According to Dr. Chaffer, Queen Elizabeth II "was a very important patron and met thousands of nursing staff over the years." She went on to say, "She was always so interested and took the time to listen to the nurses she met. They felt she understood what they did and how important their role was." It's clear the queen made many folks feel this way, which is likely why more than a million people gathered in London to watch as her coffin was carried through the streets (via TMZ). Whether you were in the room, at home watching the service on television, or gathered on the streets of London, we were all sharing in the same moment: the end of an era.

