Why You Might Be Seeing More Of Prince George Following The Queen's Death

In the wake of Queen Elizabeth II's history-making funeral, her passing is having a major impact on the world. It's sure to have an even bigger impact on her relatives who are in line for the throne. King Charles III has taken over the crown, and he will be followed by William, Prince of Wales, who will be followed by his son, Prince George of Wales (via The Royal Household). While he is only 9 years old and pretty far from getting the crown at this point, Prince George will very likely become king one day. As a result, many are wondering what impact this will have on Prince George's duties.


Royal family expert Jonathan Sacerdoti told E! News that the change in ruler will impact Prince George's life and the need for him to appear at important events. Sacerdoti says that knowing the monarchy's succession as soon as a future monarch is born "means you always know who's coming. And that creates an amazing amount of stability." As a result, he says that Prince George of Wales appearing more in the public eye will be "good for both the public and the future monarch himself, because they can both learn [from] each other and get to know each other." Still, the major change shouldn't have too much of an impact on Prince George's responsibilities. According to Sacerdoti, "I think he's too young, really." He still needs some time to be a kid before acting as a full-time political figure. 


