How The September 25 New Moon Will Affect You If You're A Virgo

The new moon on September 25 is upon us, and the lunation is said to bring some exciting things to many members of the zodiac. This month's new moon falls in the balanced air sign of Libra and is said to have some strong vibes of love. In addition, Libra's love for justice and fairness may also have you examining your life and looking to make some changes so that all aspects of your life such as your friendships, family ties, work, and love life feel like they're in harmony and working like a well-oiled machine, per PopSugar.


"This is a really great opportunity to embrace love and do work on making partnerships better," astrologer Lisa Stardust tells Refinery29. "Being that the new moon occurs a few days after the sun's ingress into Libra and the shift into fall, we should set intentions for the new season," she adds. This could mean that things could get a bit emotional, and heavy conversations might need to be had. However, by expressing your wants and needs to those around you, especially a romantic partner, you may find that things will only get better.

If you're a Virgo — whether born in August or September — this new moon may be the ideal time to focus on your finances.

Virgo should focus on finances during the new moon on September 25

If you were born under the sign of Virgo (August 23 to September 22), the new moon on September 25 may be a very lucky one for you. The lunation happens to fall in the earth sign's second house of work and money, which could mean that you'll be seeing some extra money flooding your bank account, per Mind Body Green. The new moon may have you feeling inspired to start a new business venture or side hustle that will help increase your earnings. "This is a great time for financial planning and making goals around your moolah. Come up with a six-month money manifesting plan and work toward it," astrologer Roby Antila tells the outlet.


Bustle notes that in addition to earning more money with a new venture, Virgo may also feel brave enough to talk to their boss about a pay raise. If you've been feeling like it's time for your hard work to be rewarded and acknowledged then schedule a meeting and see what comes of it. Meanwhile, it may also be time to take a deep dive into your spending and work on a budget that will help you put some money away for a rainy day or a big future purchase.

Self-care will be essential for Virgo during the new moon

According to Cosmopolitan, the new moon on September 25 will also bring major themes of self-care for Virgo. Perhaps you've been feeling a bit stressed or overwhelmed. The Libra vibes of this lunation are sure to help you relax and go easy on yourself. Maybe all you need is to bake your favorite treat, curl up with a good book, or watch your favorite fall movie. It's a tough time for many right now due to Mercury Retrograde, and there is no shame in staying home and taking it easy during the new moon. The lunation also proves to be a time for Virgo to check in on their mental health. What do you need right now, and how can you achieve it? Set your goals and shoot for the stars, because you deserve it.


Allure adds that this month's new moon is ideal for connecting to your loved ones, especially when it comes to romance. It could be time to go out on the town for a date, or just stay home for a romantic evening by the fire. It's time for a fresh start so sweep away all of the past stresses and get ready to change the vibe surrounding you in order to recharge your batteries.

It seems that Virgo will have a very busy time ahead of them during the time of the new moon, but love and money could be just around the corner.

