How Quickly Can You Get Pregnant After A Miscarriage?

Having a miscarriage can understandably be a traumatic experience. It can feel like hope is lost and you're not sure what to do next. It's an incredibly sensitive time for both you and your partner, so, of course, you may want to take your time to try again to build your family. When you are ready, though, you can be assured that there is hope after a miscarriage and guidance to help you every step of the way. This may lead you to ask the question — how quickly can you get pregnant after a miscarriage?


According to March of Dimes, 10 to 20% of pregnancies result in a miscarriage. Therefore, as isolating as it can feel and as deeply personal it is, it's important to remember that you are not alone and miscarriages are common. There are also resources and people to help you with miscarriage aftercare when you and your partner are ready to try again. 

When can you try again after a miscarriage?

Having a miscarriage is, of course, an emotional time. You may experience all sorts of feelings ranging from anxiety, apathy, sadness, and more. As well as the emotional impact this tragic experience can have on you, your body will also need to recuperate following the stress it has gone through. It's important to keep in mind that you should not rush the grieving process after a miscarriage. Your mind and body should be aligned and ready to restore hope for having another go at getting pregnant after miscarriage.


It is typically recommended that you should abstain from having sex for at least two weeks after a miscarriage, per Mayo Clinic. This is because doing so could lead to infection. It is possible to become pregnant again at this two-week point, but as mentioned, do not rush this process. Take your time. It's best when you're both physically and mentally ready. 

What to do when you're ready to try again after a miscarriage?

Once you feel like you are happy to try again after a miscarriage, speak to your healthcare expert for guidance on your next steps. The advice they provide may be different depending on your circumstances. For example, if you have had one miscarriage, your doctor may be happy to give you the go-ahead right away to try building your family again. However, if it's happened more than once, they may want to put you through some further tests to see if there are any other correlations to this and what steps can be taken to lower your risk of miscarrying.


There are several underlying conditions that could affect repetitive miscarriages. According to Cleveland Clinic, uterine abnormalities, your age, smoking whilst pregnant, and more could be contributing factors towards causing a miscarriage. To ensure your miscarriage is not connected to any other conditions, it's best to discuss with your doctor before attempting to try again for a baby with your partner. The health of both you and your baby comes first.

