Samantha Markle Has No Plans To Throw Out Her Lawsuit Against Meghan And Prince Harry

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been involved in a shocking number of lawsuits and it seems like they aren't catching a break when it comes to a lawsuit filed by the duchess' half-sister, Samantha Markle. Evidently, Samantha feels that Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex haven't been honest when discussing her in various interviews — namely their interview with Oprah Winfrey. Samantha filed a lawsuit against the Sussexes for "defamation based on demonstrably false and malicious statements made by her half-sister to a worldwide audience," according to court documents obtained by Entertainment Tonight.


Meghan's lawyers were quick to fire off a response to the lawsuit, saying that Meghan was simply expressing her recollections of her own childhood and her feelings about her relationship with Samantha — or lack thereof — TMZ reported. And while it may seem as though Meghan would be in the clear here based on her lawyer's argument, Samantha has no intention of going away quietly. In fact, during an interview with GBNews, Samantha pretty much doubled down on her claims against her half-sister.

Samantha Markle wants Meghan to set the record straight

GBNews asked Samantha Markle about the report that Meghan Markle was "obsessed" with the lawsuit that was filed against her. She told the outlet that she's not really surprised by the report, and added that she doesn't really take articles that use phrases like "sources say" to hold much value. If it was true, however, Samantha says, "it would be incredible arrogance, in my opinion, to be obsessed with the case and to not realize that I was horribly defamed ... I doubt that she's 'obsessed,' whatever that means."


Samantha went on to say that she is pressing forward with the lawsuit and seemed to have a response for anyone who may think that a judge is already leaning in favor of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. "To suggest that it's over or that it's going in her favor I think is presumptuous and false," she said, adding that she's hoping the case makes it to court. According to the The Mirror, Samantha wants both Meghan and Prince Harry to testify on camera. She also wants her sister to set the record straight on the relationship Samantha claims they once had, she wants Meghan to confirm that neither King Charles III nor the late Queen Elizabeth II are racist, and she wants roughly $75,000. Ultimately, Samantha's goal is to clear her name and she's willing to do whatever it takes to do so.


Samantha Markle went on to drag Meghan and Prince Harry

In another clip from her interview with GBNews, Samantha Markle was asked about a recent episode of "South Park" in which Meghan Markle and Prince Harry caricatures were put in the hot seat as part of their "Worldwide Privacy Tour," a clear jab at the couple's decision to continue making appearances and taking on various interview opportunities despite their stated desire to live their lives out of the public eye.


Samantha watched a segment from the show and offered her opinions. "Well, as we see, they largely shape social perception by paying PR ... but seemingly they only like what journalists say when it's in their favor. And when it's not they become litigious, we've seen the lawsuits," she said, adding, "that's a horrible hypocrisy and I think with me, what I'm going through, they take a huge license to defame and disparage other people. But they don't want anyone even using a distant resemblance or likeness of them, or making jokes about them."

The "South Park" episode caused rumors that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were going to sue the creators of the episode, but a spokesperson denied the reports, telling People magazine, "It's all frankly nonsense. Totally baseless, boring reports."


Samantha Markle hasn't been shy about her feelings of Meghan and Prince Harry

Samantha Markle hasn't been one to bite her tongue when it comes to talking about her half-sister and her husband. In fact, following the release of Prince Harry's memoir "Spare," Samantha told GBNews that she felt that Harry was "lacking in empathy, remorse, and shame." She went on to say that she feels as though the Duke of Sussex "needs to get counseling."


Samantha and Meghan's feud seems to have started ahead of Meghan and Harry's 2018 wedding — which Samantha was not invited to — and has clearly gotten worse over the past few years. When Meghan and Harry made the decision to step down as senior members of the royal family, Samantha pretty much unleashed. "I think what is shocking is the lack of consideration for the people involved, the British royal family, the promises that were originally made to honor royal duties and to lead by example," she told Inside Edition at the time (via Us Weekly). And despite Meghan maintaining that she hasn't had a relationship with her half-sister in ages, Samantha doesn't seem to have any intentions of letting anything go.


