Luxury Marriage Retreats Put A Hefty Price Tag On Mending A Broken Relationship

Despite the declining divorce rates, maintaining a solid marital foundation hasn't gotten easier. Many factors lead to daily marriage conflicts. These include stress, boredom, and the dreaded infidelity. Marriage counseling may be the best solution to significant problems like infidelity and distrust, but some couples may want to take their therapy a step further with a luxury marriage retreat.


Generally, vacations can help revive a marriage by bringing passion back, creating lasting memories, and teaching couples new things about one another. However, some luxury marriage retreats go the extra mile, specifically focusing on improving a relationship. Often, licensed professionals lead these intensives to allow partners to form deeper bonds and enhance relationships.

It sounds like a dream to tackle big marriage woes while sipping tropical drinks on a beach or climbing a mountain with your partner. However, this healing getaways has one major downside: a hefty price tag. Don't buy the ticket and take the trip before considering the cost. It could create even bigger relationship fractures.


Luxury marriage retreats can cost over $10,000

The costs of Luxury marriage retreats range from several hundred dollars to over $10,000. The price depends on the type of getaway and the length of the stay. Most intensives last between two and five days. Marriage retreats happen worldwide, including Italy, Greece, Indiana, New Mexico, California, Arizona, and Alaska. The location can also increase the price.


In addition, many getaways are not all-inclusive. This means partners may need to pay for their travel expenses, additional activities, food costs, lodging, and the package. Couples should also be aware that some marriage retreats vary in how they charge. Some charge by the person, while others charge per pair. Some charge by the day or have varied rates depending on the season. Some start at an initial rate but increase depending on additional factors.

The cost of an intensive can be overwhelming for many, especially those whose budget doesn't accommodate such a large expense. However, there are options for those who believe this type of group therapy can improve their relationship. Budgeting, cutting costs, taking on extra work, and setting up automatic savings may help couples reach financial goals to go on a therapeutic retreat.


The benefits may outweigh the costs

In an Elle article, three couples discussed their experience with their marriage getaways. They all believe that the intensive helped save their relationship. Six months to a year after their trips, each duo was still together. These retreats work for some because they remove everyday stressors (e.g., children and work) and allow partners to focus on improving or repairing their relationships completely. It encourages them to reconnect and bond profoundly.


The environment also factors into helping people find peace in their relationships. Marriage coach David Hilton told Guide Doc that nature provides the calm people need to soothe nerves, which is why many couples' retreats occur around water or mountains. These places allow folks to experience the beautiful scenery while working on their issues.

Moreover, couples' getaways create long-term stability in a relationship, not just quick solutions. They teach problem-solving methods and establish relationship goals. Usually, therapy sessions and activities that promote conflict resolution and communication are vital parts of couple retreats. Many also offer post-retreat counseling. This ensures that couples continue to improve their relationships long after the vacation ends. Marriage intensive may be expensive, but they're a lot cheaper than divorce. According to Forbes, the median divorce cost is $7,000, and average prices range from $15,000 to $20,000. Couples retreats may be worth the cost to keep a marriage from failing.


