Is Your Monochromatic Black Wardrobe Aging You? Artful Pops Of Color Might Mix Things Up

You wake up, search your closet filled with hundreds of items, and conclude you have nothing to wear. Haven't we all been there? Next thing you know, you're throwing on your go-to black monochrome outfit and heading out the door. However, that simple fashion fail-safe might be aging you.

The color black looks good on everybody, but there's a fine print along with that statement. The powerful dark hue also accentuates dark areas of your skin and hides flattering features. It's like how lighting is important for your photos — you don't want your perfect smile hidden in the shadows. Luckily, the wardrobe solution is simple — add a pop of color to your all-black outfit.

Adding a bright hue to the right area of your ensemble will turn your dark outfit from one of mourning to a runway showpiece. Just one accessory can make all the difference. You don't have to say goodbye to black clothing forever, just its wash-out effect.

Black clothing highlights dark circles and lines

Color and style expert Jules Standish has a trick for telling if your dark wardrobe is aging you. "Hold the color up to your face, stand in front of the mirror, and look for dark lines under the chin, shadows around the eyes, or lines on the face that are highlighted," Standish told Marie Claire UK. Black clothing against your skin can dull your complexion's warm glow.

If your little black dress (LBD) is spotlighting these problem areas, then you'll want to avoid any black pieces close to your face. Standish, the Head of Colour at the London College of Style, suggests pops of color around the neckline. A bright collar, statement necklace, or scarf allows you to sport an all-black outfit without adding 10 years to your physique. Big, chunky jewelry is trending, so take advantage of colorful beads, metallics, pearls, and gems to liven up that dark blouse.

Your neckline is not the only area that benefits from a pick of the rainbow. Pops of color in your dark monochrome ensemble will accentuate your assets.

Use pops of color to show off your favorite features

Black is slimming. We've all heard that marketing line that helped the LBD sell out. Truly, black is concealing, but who wants to hide all their best parts? Harriett Cole, the creative director for Ebony magazine, suggests adding a pop of color to your favorite attributes. She told Prevention, "Wear bright colors on your good features and dark colors on problem areas. This lets you show off your best while camouflaging trouble spots."

Your monochrome ensemble is chic, but with the right placement of vibrant hues, you'll make the outfit instead of the outfit making you. Love your waistline? Add an orange belt. Something about your legs you wish you could bottle and sell? Try yellow shoes or embellished tights if you dare. Even bringing in the rainbowlicious shades with nail polish, lipstick, or eyeshadow will elevate the all-black look.

Don't let a black pants suit, maxi dress, or matching two-piece age you or drown your good looks. Welcoming just one bright color can breathe new life into the dimming attire.