Details About Emily Blunt And Matt Damon's Longstanding Friendship

With a star-studded cast, the film "Oppenheimer" generated Oscar buzz from the moment it was shown in theaters. Two of those stars include Matt Damon and Emily Blunt. Watch any interview conducted with the actors, and you'll see laughter mixed in, even with the serious topic of the movie. It's not the first time the stars have done press together, both having starred in "The Adjustment Bureau" back in 2011. 


In an interview for that first movie, in which the two actors play a romantic couple, Blunt explained the duo's on-screen chemistry to Beliefnet. "We have the same sense of humor, sensibility, and the way we work, and I think even the way I like to think about stuff is very similar to [Matt]." Damon shares his co-star's sentiment, recalling when they first met at the auditions for "The Adjustment Bureau." "You just came in and slaughtered the auditions," he said to her while doing an Access Hollywood interview. "You were just definitely the reason to make the movie." 

Although that flick wasn't a box-office hit, it was significant for the two actors, as they became lifelong friends. "I've been close with Matt since I worked with him years ago," Blunt explained to Table for Two with Bruce Bozzi. Damon shared that the actors were always laughing on set. "We could barely make it through a scene. We're horribly unprofessional," he confessed to Capital FM


The actors live in the same building

While Matt Damon and Emily Blunt enjoy spending time together on set, they've also had fun away from the cameras. Blunt says she and Damon hung out after filming was done for the day on "The Adjustment Bureau." "With our respective spouses, we hung out at night in New York four to five nights a week," she dished to 7x7. "That's very rare — to connect on a level that extends beyond that shared experience." 


The two can often be seen joking with each other, as evidenced when asked by 7 News Miami if they had nicknames for each other. "I call him Diamond," Blunt revealed. "Mattimus, he gets sometimes." Damon reported he sticks with the casual Em, or a twist on her last name, Blunty. "Or we call each other darling," she notes.

They've even taken it one step further — sharing the same living quarters. "We live in the same building," Blunt reported to BuzzFeed UK. "We see each other all the time." Each has a purchased apartment in the Standish building in Brooklyn Heights. "We do have fun dinner parties," Blunt disclosed to Fox News. "She does a mean roast," Damon confirmed to Heart. "Like I don't even see Matt Damon not in his slippers anymore," Blunt joked on Table for Two with Bruce Bozzi. "I haven't seen him in regular shoes in a long time. We just pop down to see each other."


Blunt and Damon double date with their spouses

Not only are Emily Blunt and Matt Damon good friends, but their spouses also get in on the fun. Damon's wife is Luciana Barosso, while Blunt is married to actor John Krasinski. In addition to sharing an apartment building, they've also been known to double-date and take trips together. "We're vacation buddies and neighbors," Blunt confirmed to USA Today.


Damon and Krasinski have worked together in a professional capacity, too. The duo wrote and starred in the film "Promised Land" together. During an interview with Daily Beast, Damon talked about their couple interactions. "It's one of those things — we just match up really well with John and Emily," the "Jason Bourne" star disclosed. "It's hard to find couples to hang out with, and my wife and I love those guys." 

Blunt divulged to Table for Two with Bruce Bozzi that she and Krasinski are equally enthralled. "Matt is just the most beautiful, easygoing person. Lucy is even more beautiful." The couples' kids — Damon has four daughters and Blunt has two — also get along. "Our kids hang out all the time," Damon related to E! News. "My youngest loves to look after her two kids because she gets to be the oldest and she never gets that." Blunt summed up their relationship on "The One Show," reporting, "I adore having them as neighbors; it's the best." Damon added, "We have a lot of fun."


