A Look Back At Eric Trump And Chelsea Handler's Brutal Twitter Feud

Chelsea Handler isn't one to hold back when it comes to voicing her opinion, and in 2017, she and Eric Trump got into it. It started when Eric and his wife Lara Trump announced they were going to have their first child on X, formerly known as Twitter. While congratulations over baby news are typical, Handler took a different approach.


Handler responded to Eric and Lara's baby news with a post of her own: "I guess one of @realDonaldTrump's sons is expecting a new baby. Just what we need. Another person with those jeans. Let's hope for a girl." She followed up a couple hours later to confirm that yes, she'd misspelled genes.

Eric clearly noticed Handler's response, even though he hadn't been tagged in it. In an April 2017 appearance on "The Dr. Oz Show," Eric discussed Handler's posts, using them as a talking point about how the country was divided: "Sad that society's gotten to the point where something as beautiful as this and life and babies and innocence ... really gets taken down like that because of politics. I mean, that's how divided we've become as a nation ... It's really, really sad."


Donald Trump Jr. responded to Chelsea Handler's tweet about Eric and Lara

Donald Trump Jr. also noticed Chelsea Handler's not-so-nice tweet about Eric and Lara Trump expecting their first child, and he fired back with his own lengthy response on Twitter: "Attacking the announcement of someone's first pregnancy would seem below the belt to most, but sadly that's no longer the case. As for the 'hoping it's a girl' comment, I wonder if she knows that said 'jeans' (aka genes) are passed from the same people whether it's a girl or a boy??? [...] So much for the party of science."


The Trump brothers weren't the only people calling out Handler for her comments. Others unloaded on Handler in the replies to her tweets. One wrote, "You have slipped to the lowest of low picking on a [sic] unborn baby, you can't offer one ounce of joy for this couple sad." And like Trump Jr., plenty of people pointed out her jeans/genes slip up, like this seeming Trump fan, who said, "Few things funnier than unintentional exposure of dim-wittedness attempting morally superior snark."

Chelsea Handler isn't a fan of anyone in the Trump family

The drama between Chelsea Handler and Eric Trump continued through 2017 with Handler's ongoing use of her Twitter page to voice her displeasure with him. In June that year, she tweeted, "Eric Trump said Democrats are 'not even people.' That says a lot coming from someone who closely resembles a vampire." That was in reference to Eric's appearance on the Sean Hannity show on Fox News the day before when he said of Democrats, "I've never seen hatred like this. To me, they're not even people. It's so, so sad, I mean, morality is just gone."


Then in November 2017, Handler tweeted in response to a post of Eric's about comparing his father Donald Trump's use of the name Pocahontas in regards to Senator Elizabeth Warren to Disney making money off the movie "Pocahontas." Handler posted, "All Eric Trump had to do was not speak and everyone would have assumed Don Jr. was the dumb one." Harsh!

Handler has also gone after other members of the Trump family. She teared up on her show "Chelsea" about the fact that Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump in the 2016 election, and when she filled in on "Jimmy Kimmel Live," she called out Melania Trump for a number of things, including wearing her infamous "I really don't care, do u?" jacket before and after her visit to a child detention center on the U.S./Mexico border.


