Body Language Expert Tells Us Ben Affleck Still Cares Deeply About Jennifer Garner Post-Split

For Ben Affleck, the name Jennifer holds a lot of significance in his life. That's because he's fallen in love and married two beautiful Jennifers throughout the years: Jennifer Garner and Jennifer Lopez. And while Affleck has more of a history with Lopez, it's Garner who he still cares deeply about, despite their divorce. However, that's not just because the ex-couple share three children, Violet, Seraphina, and Samuel. It's not always easy transitioning from husband and wife to co-parents, but it's a job that both of them have tried to make work even though their marriage didn't turn out the way they wanted it to be.


Affleck might not always say how he feels, but his body language sure does a lot of talking for him. Now, that's not to say that Affleck is still in love with Garner. In an exclusive interview with The List, Nicole Moore, body language expert and celebrity love advisor, details what she believes is going on in Affleck's head each time he sees his ex-wife Garner. The other Jennifer in his life — Lopez — shouldn't feel too worried about their connection just yet.

Ben Affleck's body language says he still cares about Jennifer Garner

In an interview with The List, body language expert Nicole Moore believes that Ben Affleck still cares deeply about his ex-wife Jennifer Garner. Even though the couple officially finalized their divorce in 2018, they are still in each other's lives as co-parents.


Affleck and Garner have been caught having very animated conversations with each other in the past — with some people believing that they've even gotten into fights — but that doesn't mean things are bad between them. Moore has analyzed photos of Affleck and Garner together and, despite what differences they may have, says that the actor still cares about his ex-wife and her opinions. When reviewing the above photo, she points out that Affleck's body language "indicates he's very open emotionally to Jennifer and he cares about her."  She added, "It's possible that Ben cares deeply about Jennifer's mood or opinions as he's looking intently at her face while she appears displeased almost as if he's trying to discern what she's feeling." She noted that Garner appeared to be more guarded. "Jennifer's head is tilted downward and her hands are up in front of her body, a potential indicator that she wants to keep some distance from Ben or protect herself," Moore said.


All in all, Moore points out that it appears the former Hollywood couple "have realized that the two of them really are better off as friends." With that in mind, Affleck has said things about Garner in the past that have gotten him in trouble, too.

Ben Affleck has had to backtrack on his previous comments

Back in March 2023, Ben Affleck was trying to clarify comments that he made about Jennifer Garner in a 2021 interview with Howard Stern. It was implied that the actor was very miserable in his marriage to Garner and that's why he had a tough time in his life. He had told Stern at the time, "It's part of why I started drinking. Because I was trapped." 


However, Affleck told The Hollywood Reporter in 2023 that his comments were misconstrued. "I had a really painful experience where I did an interview where I was really vulnerable," he said, "and the entire pickup was something that was not only not right, it was actually the opposite of what I meant ...  I was trying to say, 'Hey, look, I was drinking too much, and the less happy you become ... as your life becomes more difficult, if you're doing things to fill a hole that aren't healthy, you're going to start doing more of those things."

While Garner herself has not responded to Affleck's controversial comments, she did confirm how she felt about her ex-husband in a special Father's Day message that she shared in 2023. Even though she had paid tribute to her own father in her Instagram post, she did write at the very end: "PS Shout out to BGA—no one loves their kids like you love ours, happy Father's Day, Ben! X." It's heartening to know these two are in an amicable place.


