The Most Romantic Gift HGTV's Evan Thomas Ever Gave Keith Bynum

Like some HGTV show hosts, Evan Thomas and Keith Bynum are not only renovation partners but life partners as well. As the stars of "Bargain Block," Thomas and Bynum moved to Detroit, Michigan, in 2017 on a mission to restore the houses that needed it most. With the combination of expert carpentry from Thomas and creative design ideas from Bynum, the couple realized they had a hit show on their hands.


The series quickly became one of the most popular on HGTV, not just because of how the couple flipped houses; fans loved the dynamic between the co-hosts. The two started dating in 2013 after meeting through Bynum and Thomas got engaged four years later in 2017, but with their busy schedules, they can't seem to find the time to actually get married. Despite their hectic careers, the couple still tries to keep the romance alive, like by giving gifts, including the not-so-successful handmade scarf that Thomas gave Bynum early on in their relationship.

Evan learned a new skill just for Keith

Working with your partner isn't always the best path for some couples, but "Bargain Block" stars Evan Thomas and Keith Bynum make it look easy. Since their show took off in 2021, the couple has been winning fans over with their combined professional and personal dynamics. While they have had to postpone their wedding and extend their engagement due to filming schedules and professional commitments, Bynum and Thomas still prioritize their relationship, even when it isn't exactly the right way they want the other party to do it.


"I don't like gifts, typically. That's not my love language," Bynum told Queerty in an October 2023 interview. "But I guess it was our second year together, Evan knitted me a scarf. It was like the worst scarf. It was so cute. Obviously, he learned how to make this scarf knitting with this particular scarf."

Although the gift wasn't perfect by any means, the fact that Thomas had made him something by hand warmed Bynum's heart. "I think it was just the fact he spent so much time learning something and then making something with his own hands," he continued. "I've never, ever let anything happen with that scarf. It's in a special spot. I love that thing."

Keith and Evan gifted themselves a vacation home

Given that Keith Bynum and Evan Thomas have dedicated their lives and careers to renovating homes, work has infiltrated every part of their relationship. Not only do they work together flipping homes on HGTV, but they are also the co-founders of NINE Designs and Homes. Between their many projects, it's easy to put their relationship on the back burner. They even forgot about their 10th anniversary while filming season three of "Bargain Block" because they were so busy. However, the couple did manage to mark the occasion with a special gift for themselves: a new vacation house in Michigan.


"We bought a place up north," Bynum told Pride. "To me, that was our 10-year purchase. It is a nice thing to have someplace to be off the grid. We need that reconnection time."

True to their careers, the couple bought a house that needed some work in order for it to be perfect. "It is liveable," Thomas assured. "It's not an abandoned house like we're used to. The water works, the power works, you can use the toilet ... it's great."

