Will A Million Little Things End After Season 2?

Nothing is sacred in network TV land, where shows live and die depending on ratings and ad revenues. And if nothing is sacred, that means shows we love are literally living on borrowed time, and we're constantly waiting for news indicating whether a show has been picked up or cancelled based on factors including ratings, critics' reviews, low cost and license fees, a previous or existing relationship with the show's producers and actors, how much cash it brings in, and the biggest factor of them all... network corporate politics (via IndieWire).


What does this mean for showrunner D.J. Nash and A Million Little Things, which is now in its second season? In an October 2019 interview with Good Housekeeping, Nash said the cast "all kind of feel like this is a five-season show. Nothing is definite yet, things change... we don't even have a season 3 pick-up yet, so all of that is hypothetical."

It's a waiting game for A Million Little Things

Based on Nash's comments, we can say that in the perfect world, the series would wrap in 2023 if the cast and crew worked towards airing one season a year. It may take time before we all find out whether the show will make it to 2023, but the gang is not new to the waiting game. In February 2019, TV Line reported that the show would get a second season, just seven months prior to airing. If that's the case with season 3, it will likely be a few more months until the final word comes down from the executives at ABC.


Even if season 3 is not a certainty, Nash doesn't need to know where A Million Little Things is going. He told GH that he knew how the series would end, pretty much the day it began. "It's completely changeable, but I had a plan for where we're going," Nash explained. And while he says that he doesn't write the episodes in the order that they are aired, he said he knows what he wants to finale to be, and that "there's even some things that we've planted that our actors don't know that will set up that finale very, very well."

