The Surprising Way Blake Shelton Impressed Gwen Stefani's Family

Impressing the girlfriend's family can be tough, but not if you're Blake Shelton. On a recent appearance on The Kelly Clarkson Show, Shelton's girlfriend and The Voice co-star, Gwen Stefani, said that her parents were super impressed with his sheer masculinity when they all visited Shelton's home state of Oklahoma (via USA Today).


She told host Kelly Clarkson and other guests John Legend and Carson Daly that her parents couldn't contain their excitement when, after it was discovered there was a blown tree that had fallen in the road, Shelton got out and dealt with it himself. Needless to say, Stefani's family was absolutely shook.

Blake Shelton impressed Gwen Stefani's city-dwelling family with his country-boy ways

On the show, Stefani explained that her family had never seen anything like that before, especially because her family was based in Anaheim, California. "We'd never seen even trees before," she said of their trip. So we were like, 'Wow, this is, like, crazy.'"


Stefani went on to say that while they were all driving in his truck down the road, the blown tree forced them to stop. "And Blake gets out, and he's like, 'All right.' And he gets in the back of the truck," she said, getting up and miming to the audience how Shelton was acting. "He has, like, a big chain and he pulls it out. He wraps it around the tree, and my whole family is, like, 'Oh my God, he's a man!'" 

Carson Daly wasn't surprised that Blake could pull that off

After hearing about what happened with Stefani's family, Carson Daly couldn't resist sharing his own story about the country singer, as he'd noted that living in LA was rough for Shelton when he moved there. 


"He's such an Oklahoman, he really is," he told Clarkson. "Before Gwen, when we were in LA, it was a mission to find something for the cowboy to do since he was a fish out of water." Daly went on to say that, in an attempt to make him feel a little more at home, they took him to the most southern place in LA they could think of: a Bass Pro Shop. 

"Walking around with Blake Shelton in a Bass Pro Shop is like walking around with Jesus Christ at the Vatican," he quipped. "Like his people are there. He was very at home."

