The Truth About Drew Scott's Massive Sword Collection

Drew Scott is many things; reality star, home renovation expert, husband and... sword enthusiast?! The star of HGTV mega-hit Property Brothers recently admitted to being completely obsessed with swords for most of his life, which has been a surprise for many fans. In fact, Scott has been purchasing swords from all over the world for the past 30 years, and has amassed quite the collection as a result. 


Speaking to Pop Sugar, he admitted his initial inspiration was classic Mel Gibson movie, Braveheart. "I'm Scottish and we knew all the stories of our history, so I wanted to have the Claymore that Wallace has," he explained of the purchase the then-10-year-old Drew eagerly made.

Drew Scott is a total sword freak

That first sword set him back big bucks, but the price tags have only gotten bigger since. In fact, Scott shelled out a huge $8,000 on a suit of armor custom made to fit his 6'4" frame. Thankfully, as the HGTV stalwart enthused, "It fits me like a glove!"


Scott previously partnered with Ally Financial on its Splurge Alert campaign and app, so he could track his spending — particularly whenever he was tempted to splurge on swords. The Property Brothers star demonstrated in a hilarious YouTube video how the app warned when he was in the danger zone, i.e. near retailers where he might be tempted to spend big. "My mom texted me 'sword freak' when I got close to a collector's shop," he revealed, referring to how Scott's mother, as one of his designated buddies, stepped in when the Property Brothers star was tempted to drop even more coin on swords.

Scott may have to curb his spending soon, however, if he and wife Linda Phan's baby plans materialize. Fans have been wondering since the couple tied the knot in May 2018 if the happy couple would be having kids and, in a recent interview with People, he confirmed they're looking to start a family "very soon." Hopefully, he'll still have room for all those swords.


