The Reason Chrissy Teigen Brings Two Eggs To Bed Every Night

Chrissy Teigen is known for being a relatable and sometimes quirky celebrity who does not hold back. Whether she's roasting her husband during a lie detector test or dishing on what she can't stand about him, Teigen keeps it real. In spite of her bluntness, Teigen's charm always shines through and reminds us that celebs are people, too. Nothing proves this like the mystery of Teigen's "night eggs."


What are night eggs? On January 2, the model posted a poll on Twitter asking fans to weigh in after her "darling husband" (aka, the sexiest man alive, John Legend) "made me my night eggs and immediately dropped and shattered the bowl."

Teigen revealed that she took pity on Legend and didn't ask him to make more of her mysterious night eggs. She then asked her followers: "Who is the kinder one in this situation?"

What exactly are night eggs?

Nearly 60 percent of voters agreed that Teigen was the kinder one for graciously forgiving Legend after dropping her night eggs, although everyone else praised Legend for making the night eggs in the first place. Teigen responded to the original tweet with, "Glad we are on the same page here," but did not explain what on earth night eggs are.


Weeks later, Teigen finally took pity on us poor mortals who have never heard of a night egg. "I can't sleep without being overly full," she wrote in a tweet on January 19 after being asked if night eggs are an effective sleep aid. "I take two hard boiled eggs to bed every night and eat them when I randomly wake up. It used to be beef jerky but I'd wake up too puffy."

Anyone who has ever woken up in the middle of the night with some serious cravings can appreciate the sheer genius in Teigen's night eggs. We've also got to give some credit here to John Legend who lovingly prepares his wife's middle-of-the-night snack for her. Talk about #RelationshipGoals.

