Hailey Bieber Opens Up About How Guilty She Felt After Getting Married

Hailey and Justin Bieber make an adorable couple, but things haven't always gone smoothly with their relationship. The model recently opened up about the early months of their marriage, revealing that after they tied the knot she struggled a lot with guilt — although it wasn't because of her relationship.

Bieber, who was raised in a Christian home, said on YouTube's Hillsong Channel that guilt is something she has struggled with for much of her life. "I put extra guilt on myself to be this good girl, to fill this role of being, like, this goody two-shoes good girl, and what I learned leading up to being married is it's just not realistic," she explained. "We all wish there were things we had never done, and we all wish there were decisions we didn't make and mistakes we didn't make."

While that guilt was still there after the couple were first married, Bieber said that it's something she has learned to work on — not that it was easy. "But what I learned being married is that every mistake that I made and bad decision that I made and everything that I was making myself feel guilty for led to me being married and me being a wife," she said. "But I think in the beginning, especially for the first six or seven months of being married, I was just ridden with guilt. I wish I hadn't done this. I wish I had just walked into this free and clean slate, but what it taught me is that... we all have guilt and shame for things we've done."

Hailey Bieber has worked hard to overcome her guilt

Bieber learned to get past those feelings of guilt as her marriage deepened, adding that she and her husband also grew stronger in their faith. "It didn't have to define me as a married woman and as a wife," she said. "We're constantly evolving especially in Jesus. Our relationship with Christ is always going deeper and deeper."

The Biebers' Christian faith is at the center of their relationship, with Bieber crediting it for helping them through the tough times. "We went through a lot in the first six, seven months of our marriage," she said. "There was a lot going on... but I also know that God would never put me in a situation that I couldn't handle.

She added, "I've watched our relationship evolve in a way that I know was only possible because Jesus is in the center of it."