Inside Tim McGraw And Faith Hill's Marriage

Faith Hill and Tim McGraw's marriage, which has lasted for over 20 years, has music lovers swooning. The long reigning king and queen of country have built a life they love centered around family, home, and, yes, good-old fashioned crooning tunes (via Insider).  


They have toured together, collaborated on albums together, and stuck by each other's sides through thick and thin. In fact, McGraw credits their marriage as being the "gasoline" that propelled their careers to the next level of super stardom (via People). And while they have had personal ups and downs, their mutual love for each other remains evident in every romantic gaze, loving lyric, and intense and sexy public display of affection (of which there are many). 

What's more, their humble appreciation for each other is beyond refreshing in an industry that often makes people jaded: "It's such a rare thing to be able to experience what we do for a living, and to do it together really feels like all the moments are special," McGraw once told People. Want to know what else makes Tim McGraw and Faith Hill such a dynamic duo? Here's how they harmonize in life.


Faith Hill had just finalized a divorce when she met Tim McGraw

Tim McGraw and Faith Hill seem to have marriage figured out. But, years before meeting her crooner soul mate, a young and naive Hill was married to her first husband, Daniel Hill. 

According to the songstress, there was no earth-shattering event that drove them apart; nevertheless, they divorced. She spoke candidly about the experience to Good Housekeeping, saying, "I was going through so much. I was like a flower trying to bud." Hill continued, "Marriage wasn't what I needed [...] What I needed was to deal with the issues of my own life."


A few years later, in 1994, Hill and McGraw met at Nashville's Country Radio Seminar. Hill was emerging from finalizing her divorce, and McGraw was in a relationship with Kristine Donahue, per Insider. So, naturally, this initial encounter was purely platonic. Still, Hill may have left quite an impression on her future hubby. In 2018, McGraw posted a photo to Instagram in honor of his wife's birthday, captioning it, "From the first time we met, I knew (she didn't!) that she was the love of my life forever."  

Faith Hill and Tim McGraw fell in love on tour together

Faith Hill and Tim McGraw are proof that work and romance can go hand-in-hand.

In 1996, Hill, who was newly engaged to music producer Scott Hendrickson, joined McGraw on his "Spontaneous Combustion" tour as his opener (via Insider). Despite being in a committed relationship that was headed down the aisle, she could not help but feel an intense attraction to McGraw, and she made no apologies for choosing to pursue passion and true love. Speaking to People in 1998, Hill said, "If someone is going to judge my character because I was engaged to somebody and then I left him for somebody else, [like], 'Oh, okay, now she's a slut and a bad person' — I can't control that." Added Hill, "But I wasn't about to let Tim slip through my hands."  


More than 20 years later, McGraw and Hill remain some of country music's most beloved stars — and total couple goals. Ever since teaming up on that first tour, the country crooners have continued to make beautiful music together. Hey, when you know, you know — and Hill definitely knew when it came to her future hubby.

Tim McGraw proposed to Faith Hill in a trailer

Faith Hill and Tim McGraw might have a long-lasting, successful marriage; however, their wedded union didn't come after years of seriously dating one another. Instead, the two experienced a whirlwind romance while on tour together, and were engaged within just a few months!


According to Brides, McGraw told the story of how he proposed to Hill during a concert on their anniversary date in Colorado: "We were in the dressing room ... and it was raining and stuff and we'd been on tour for a while together, and I joked around with her about getting married." McGraw continued, saying, "I looked at her, grabbed her by the hand, and dropped down." Added McGraw, "She said, 'We're at a country music festival in a trailer house, and you're asking me to marry you?'" 

Apparently, Hill mulled it over while McGraw performed, and he had his answer waiting for him when he got off stage. According to McGraw, Hill left a message on his mirror that read, "Yes! I'm gonna be your wife," in big, Sharpie letters — along with some adorable lipstick kisses. Talk about a unique proposal story!


Different childhood challenges brought Tim McGraw and Faith Hill closer

Both Tim McGraw and Faith Hill have overcome challenges and emerged stronger.

Hill was adopted as a baby, and part of her always wanted to know and meet her birthparents. The country superstar told Good Housekeeping, "I was adopted into this incredible home, a loving, positive environment, yet I had this yearning, this kind of darkness that was also inside me." Fortunately, Hill was able to finally meet her birth mom as an adult. "I just stared at her," Hill revealed to Good Housekeeping. She continued, saying, "I'd never seen anyone that looked anything like me." Added Hill, "It was the awe of seeing someone you came from. It fills something."


McGraw was unaware, until the age of 11, that he was the son of baseball icon Tug McGraw (via Good Housekeeping). "Nobody's childhood is the same and we had some difficult times as a kid and certainly father figures were something that wasn't the best in my life," he said in 2006, on Larry King Live. McGraw didn't have a relationship with his biological father until later in life, but he credits his stepfather for being a strong figure. 

Tim McGraw and Faith Hill planned a successful surprise wedding

Tim McGraw and Faith Hill's engagement was fast and furious, so it is fitting that their wedding followed suit. 

The two country music superstars pulled off an epic surprise wedding. According to Brides, the soon-to-be-wed couple told friends and loved ones that they were hosting a softball game and concert in Rayville, Louisiana — which is McGraw's home town. However, when guests arrived at the scene, they found themselves walking into an intimate, surprise nuptials ceremony. As for Hill and McGraw, they were standing under an oak tree with a minister, just waiting for their guests to arrive so they could finally become husband and wife.


Per the magazine, Hill, who was three months pregnant at her wedding to McGraw, wore a slip-style white wedding gown. The country songstress remained barefoot, but accessorized the minimalistic look with an understated pearl necklace and gloves. McGraw dressed down for the event in jeans and a black coat. Considering the country couple's enviable red carpet style at the ACMs, their chic wedding outfits should come as no surprise. These two know how to dress for an occasion!

Tim McGraw and Faith Hill have three daughters together

Faith Hill isn't the only woman in Tim McGraw's life. In fact, the country crooner is surrounded by beautiful women, as he shares three lovely daughters with his wife. 

Still, even though his baby girls may be all grown up now, McGraw remembers the early moments of their lives with clarity and a hint of romanticized nostalgia. The "My Little Girl" singer reflected on life as a dad during an interview with Sunday Todaygushing, "The fathers out there can appreciate the first time that you hold your child is certainly the moment that you realize that anything else that you do has meant nothing until this moment."


These days, the McGraw-Hill family still enjoys their precious time together. In an interview with E! News, McGraw talked about hunkering down at home with his daughters and wife during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. "I mean, it was probably one of the most special times we've had as a family in a long, long time," he said. Added McGraw, "And despite all the craziness going on in the world, we had a great four weeks together."

Tim McGraw and Faith Hill acknowledge that marriage is hard work -- and it's not all bliss

By all appearances, Faith Hill and Tim McGraw have a fairytale marriage. However, they'll be the first to admit it's not all romance and rainbows — and they have to work to make sure their marriage doesn't fail.


Speaking with GlamourHill revealed, "We got married to stay married." She continued, saying, "If you didn't want to walk the same path or believe the same things, it could be difficult, but if you have the same goals you can get through bumpy moments." Added the country superstar, "It's remarkable to have someone walk beside you as you grow and change; it would be nice to see [marriage] that way instead of it being a major challenge."

On the Bobby Jones ShowHill admitted that she knows how to push her husband's buttons — and even sometimes enjoys doing it! And, as McGraw admitted to Entertainment Tonighthis messy tendencies get his wife riled up. "I spent 30 years in hotel rooms going in and out, so I've never even thought about cleaning up, but she's a neat freak," he revealed.


Tim McGraw said Faith Hill is the only one he can sing harmony with

Tim McGraw and Faith Hill both have incredible powerhouse voices. And while they could each certainly have their pick of singing partners, they prefer to duet with each other. 

In fact, during an interview on Larry King LiveMcGraw revealed that he is actually unable to harmonize with any singer who is not his wife. Furthermore, he told Today said Hill pushes him harder and gets the best out of him. "I've found that the times that I've spent working with Faith, especially touring with Faith, that my records got sort of exponentially better," McGraw said. He continued, "When it comes to singing with Faith, it's like a NASCAR trying to keep up with an Indy car. Then I get that look from her sometimes during the middle of the show with her. You know, 'You're faltering a bit, son.'" Added McGraw, "The point is, she makes me better." 


Hill agrees that their voices just blend perfectly: "Yes. It's always been magic from the first time that we performed together on stage, which was spontaneous combustion," she said on Larry King Live.

Faith Hill likes the way Tim McGraw smells

Faith Hill and Tim McGraw are two country stars with intense, palatable chemistry. And if you have ever watched them together on stage — whether on television or in-person — you know this to be a fact. So, when McGraw collaborated with fragrancy company COTY on the launch of a new cologne in 2008, he just had to make sure his wife approved. "She sat there with me with every sample we had," McGraw revealed in an interview with People. Calling his wife "the hottest woman in the world," he continued, "I wanted her to like it." Added the country singer, "And she likes it on me."


Olfactory attraction aside, the physical connection between the two remains strong. In 2013, McGraw told ABC News that he loves his wife's body, saying, "She's got great legs, that's for sure!" Furthermore, they still are amazed and smitten seeing each other on stage. "I watch him perform and still to this day I'm awed by it," Hill told People

She likes the way he smells, he likes the way she looks; it sounds like they both work to keep the flame alive and well!

Tim McGraw and Faith Hill have weathered their fair share of divorce rumors

Faith Hill and Tim McGraw are just about always on the verge of marital disaster — at least, according to the tabloids. However, despite being the perpetual target of unflattering reports, the couple tries to shrug off the negativity and simply live their lives.


In 1998, Hill told People that she's heard all sorts of made-up stories about her life and marriage. "I've had an affair with my makeup artist, a female; an affair with my hairstylist; my marriage is on the rocks; Maggie is not Tim's child," Hill said, listing rumors. She continued, saying, "I don't need [the naysayers'] approval. I have too much going on."

Fifteen years later, she relayed a similar sentiment to the same magazine when the rumor mill was once again churning. "[Rumors] seem to be running like crazy right now for some reason," Hill said. She continued, "I don't know why 'happy' can't be a story." McGraw echoed the sentiment in the same article, saying, "The only time we ever think about it is [when we] worry about the kids. But they've been around it, too, so they laugh it off."


Tim McGraw and Faith Hill are country music's reigning couple, but still try to lead regular lives out of the spotlight

Faith Hill and Tim McGraw do not think of themselves as a "celebrity couple," according to an interview Hill gave to Glamour. "We've tried to build our life and home together so that we don't put ourselves in places that allow that kind of attention," the country star explained to the publication.


As a matter of fact, in 2006, Hill said on Larry King Live that she prefers to stay at home and live a regular life as a doting wife and mom. "I'm too busy staying in the hook-up line," Hill said. She continued, saying, "I'm more comfortable in the hook-up line and talking to parents about, I don't know, whatever we talk about."

In 2020, McGraw told Entertainment Tonight that they spend "90 percent" of their time together, saying, "We don't get out much and we always cook at home. We don't eat out much." He continued, saying, "We're always around the house, so we spend a lot of time together anyway." Added the singer, "We enjoy just cuddling up and watching movies [and] TV series."

Tim McGraw says Faith Hill saved his life

Tim McGraw and Faith Hill seem as close to perfect as one couple could possibly get — but these two have definitely had their ups and downs. 

As reported by People, in McGraw's book, Grit and Grace, the country star wrote about an ultimatum his wife gave him when she thought he was drinking too much. "Getting real like only she can do, Faith told me, 'Partying or family, take your pick,'" McGraw wrote. According to People, the country singer admitted in the memoir that his family was the inspiration behind a major health push. He ditched booze altogether and started taking care of his body, watching his diet, and adopting a serious exercise routine


In a different article from People, McGraw praised Faith, saying that without her he would "be dead." He elaborated, "I would have partied too hard. Faith saved my life in a lot of ways — from myself more than anything." McGraw continued, "I can go down a dark road sometimes, when you're not feeling good about yourself, and she pulls me out." Added the "Just to See You Smile" singer, "My wife makes me a better man."

Tim McGraw and Faith Hill get hot and heavy with their PDAs -- frequently

Faith Hill and Tim McGraw aren't shy when it comes to showing their love — and attraction — for one another!

Whether they are on tour performing together or caught on camera by the paparazzi, McGraw and Hill always seem to be in the throws of a hot, heavy, and passionate public display of affection. As noted by the Taste of Country, the cute country crooners have been spotted smooching on stage multiple times. In fact, in a moment that went viral during the 2014 CMA Music Festival, Hill wrapped her leg around her hubby as he gently and playfully grabbed her butt cheek. 


Furthermore, according to Taste of Country, every time they perform "I Need You" — their hit duet — they sit close with their legs intertwined and stare intently into each other's eyes. And, as anyone who has ever watched their "Let's Make Love" music video can attest, there's no denying their sizzling chemistry. These two may have acting chops in addition to musical talent — but there's no acting necessary when it comes to appearing head-over-heels in love with each other. 

