Ivana Trump's Comments About Ivanka Are Causing Quite A Stir

There's no denying that Ivanka Trump has political ambitions. In 2018, Michael Wolff's controversial book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House confirmed that she has her eye on a future in politics, and more than that, she hopes to be the first female President of the United States (via The Guardian). In our current political climate, Ivanka Trump running for office might seem far-fetched across both party lines. But a recent interview with mom Ivana Trump has people thinking a bid might be plausible in the near future.


The former wife of President Trump sat down with British daytime panel show Loose Women on Monday, and had no hesitation when asked if she thought her daughter would be president one day, responding, "Definitely" (via Newsweek). Not only that, but she seems certain Ivanka Trump will be the first female president, stating, "I think she's in the White House every day, she's next to her father every day, she knows all that is going around... I think she could be one day the first woman president, definitely. She's smart as hell, she's beautiful (via Newsweek)."

President Donald Trump endorses his daughter as well

The President himself likely agrees with his ex-wife's opinion. He certainly seemed to throw his daughter's name in the ring of future presidential contenders at a recent rally in New Hampshire, stating, "They're all saying 'we want Ivanka,' I don't blame them" (via The Hill). While this was likely an effort to besmirch Kamala Harris, it's not the first time he's alluded to a future Trump in the White House. In March, CNN reported Trump having said of first daughter Ivanka, "If she ever wanted to run for president, I think she'd be very, very hard to beat."


While most of the rhetoric seems like breadcrumbs in a forest that may or may not lead to the White House, when it comes to the president securing a political dynasty for his family, Ivanka Trump is likely the best choice. More than that, it's statistically probable. According to a 2018 study published in Historical Social Research, women in government are much more likely to have family ties to politics than men. Specifically, one in ten world leaders belong to a political dynasty, whereas, nearly 1 in 3 female leaders have similar familial ties (via The Conversation). The statistics certainly don't secure the First Daughter a presidential bid, but they definitely increase the likelihood of seeing her name — and maybe Chelsea Clinton's name — tossed around in 2024.


