The Truth About Below Deck Med's Bugsy And Alex's Relationship

Ok, all of you Below Deck Mediterranean season five fans who are thirsting after some new boatmance-related gossip. (Now read the first sentence again in Kristin Bell-as-Gossip-Girl's voice). Here's a quick recap: Rob has clearly got to get his act together. Jess regrets going with Rob to Bali. "I think I was stuck on wanting what we had in the beginning, and I should've just accepted that it wasn't going to be that again," she said (via Vulture). Aesha, notes Bravo, has a new old boyfriend (Scott Dobbo). And Alex is back to posting Instagram photos of him and Bugsy. 

It's Alex Radcliffe's third Bugsy Drake-related post, and three's a magic number. In June, he made all of Instagram blush when he asked for "pick up lines for me to attempt to flirt with the new South African stew." Instagram, for the record, you came up pretty empty. This might be why, a month later Alex posted, "I'm just hoping I can get Bugsy to start liking me already on tonight's episode." And now, a couple of televised kisses at a club (and a "I'm like fully into you") later, Alex has Instagrammed again. This time, the pair had wine glasses in hand, and he called Bugsy "the most dangerous person in South Africa." 

Which brings us to ... yes but are Alex and Bugsy "together" together?

What Bugsy Drake has to say about Alex Radcliffe

One thing's for certain. If Instagram had a say in Bugsy and Alex's relationship, they'd be together. "Please get married," wrote one of Alex's social media followers. "Power Couple of the year and honestly my mom loves you guys together," gushed another. "This is what I need out of 2020," pleaded a third. 

To which we would reply, hit the darn brakes. For one, in 2019, Bugsy Drake took a trip to Bali, while "recovering from a very broken heart" (via Instagram). And Bugsy, for what it's worth, hasn't Instagrammed a single snapshot of her and Alex together. It's possible that she's simply not on the market. Because, when asked on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen on October 12, 2020, if she and Alex were official, Bugs had this to say: "With regards to Alex and I, we are both obviously working on opposite ends of the world ... I'm still working on a boat, but we met up, feelings came back, and we're kind of just seeing where to from here. We're really good friends. But yeah, we'll see" (via YouTube).

That means, all you Instagrammers who are eager for things to finally happen, we'll see. Maybe, we'll see sooner rather than later. Bravo's set to air the two-part Below Deck Med Season 5 Reunion on October 19, 2020.