Alex Trebek's Favorite Animal Will Likely Surprise You

Alex Trebek, who has been treated for Stage IV pancreatic cancer since his diagnosis in March 2019, passed away November 8, 2020. The longtime Jeopardy! host had continued to tape episodes during this time, and fans will be able to watch him hosting the popular game show up until his last episode — December 25, 2020. 


During Trebek's life, he contributed to many causes that were near and dear to his heart (via CNN). Just a couple months after his diagnosis, he joined the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network's (PanCAN) PurpleStride Los Angeles walk to help raise awareness for the disease. He also shared his love of geography and moderated the National Geographic Bee for 25 years, helping make the broadcast popular nationwide.

However, another foundation he supported gave a clue as to the gregarious host's favorite animal. 

Alex Trebek has supported a musk ox foundation for over 30 years

As it turns out, Alex Trebek loves the musk ox. As he said on Jeopardy!, he likes their strong family dynamic, and "besides that, I like the way their furry coats wave in the breeze when they are running."


In the '50s, this majestic animal had been pushed to the brink of extinction due to demand for both its meat as well as its soft inner wool. The Musk Ox Development Corporation, which operates in Alaska, helps raise oxen population. Trebek has visited the farm several times and is one of its most generous donors. He's known as the "Herd Godfather" and has supported the organization for over three decades.

The farm's executive director, Mark Austin, noted that he felt that Trebek was a lot like his favorite animal. "Heart of a musk ox, tough as a musk ox," he said.

