The Sport Tyler Cameron Could Have Gone Pro In

When Tyler Cameron appeared on the Hannah Brown season of The Bachelorette, he truly won our hearts. And if you've been a big fan ever since, you're probably aware of the fact that the Florida native has got killer dance moves, is super loyal to his family, and just seems like an all-round genuine guy. What you might not know is that before he became a general contractor, Cameron came very close to becoming a professional football player.

When he was a student at Wake Forest University, Tyler Cameron was the backup quarterback and one of the best college players in the country (via Wake Forest University Athletics). A shoulder injury caused him to transfer to Florida Atlantic University, where he played tight end. According to Distractifyhe was even drafted by the Baltimore Ravens, but a second shoulder injury dashed his hopes of a career in the NFL.

Today, Tyler Cameron spends his spare time running and playing basketball

But that doesn't mean the reality TV star has given up on sports altogether. After his football career ended, Cameron turned to running as a way of coping. "It became a way for me to escape a lot of things," he told Runner's World. "Running gets my mind off a lot of pressures — with my family, with the crazy stuff on the show, just life. It's my escape." In 2019, he even started his very own running club in New York City, a group that, unsurprisingly, has a lot of women runners in it.

Jes Woods, an NYC-based Nike Run Club Coach and ultrarunner helps Cameron with the group. "Yes, he is objectively good looking," Woods told Runner's World. "But I thought it was super cool seeing how many women he was bringing out to a run just to see him who would have never run otherwise. I am a huge fan of anyone who inspires new runners to run."

The heartthrob also gets his sports fix by playing basketball. He's currently playing in two leagues in NYC. "Basketball is my favorite way to get my conditioning in," he told GQ.

It's pretty safe to say that whether he's vying for a rose, running the streets of NYC, or playing on a basketball court, Tyler Cameron has all the right moves.