Mike Pence Got His COVID-19 Vaccine On Live TV For Good Reason

A mask-wearing Vice President Mike Pence, who is also the head of the White House's coronavirus task force, received his first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on live TV Friday. The shot was administered by a staff member from the Walter Reed National Medical Center on White House grounds, according to USA Today. "I didn't feel a thing," Pence said once he received the injection in his arm (via ET Online). He then complimented the person who gave him his vaccination, saying "Well done."


About the vaccine, Pence shared many thoughts, noting, "Make no mistake about it: it's a medical miracle. I also believe that history will record that this week was the beginning of the end of the coronavirus pandemic."

Not only was Pence's televised vaccination an opportunity for him to make such comments about the Trump administration's achievement in helping to roll out the COVID-19 vaccine so quickly, but it provided the platform for the Vice President to ease Americans' minds about safety.

How Mike Pence reassured Americans via the televised vaccination

He didn't even have to say much about the COVID-19 vaccine being safe and effective, as, well, Pence received his dose while seated underneath a sign that not-so-subtly said "SAFE and EFFECTIVE."

But Pence also shared, "Karen and I hope this step today will be a source of confidence and of comfort to the American people. These days of hardship and heartbreak will, in a day not too far in the future, be put in the past." Indeed, Karen Pence also received her vaccination Friday along with her husband.


It's worth noting President Trump, who already had the virus, is waiting to get the COVID-19 vaccine while doctors determine whether he should, with Dr. Anthony Fauci noting it is not known how long antibodies that protect against the virus last (via Good Morning America).

While the majority of Americans wait to get vaccinated, Pence encouraged them to continue social distancing, wearing masks, and practicing thorough hand washing.

