Chris Cuomo Is Facing Backlash Over This Recent Tweet

It's a tale of two cities, er, states. In Texas, politicians are facing backlash after the state's freezing temperatures plunged residents into a hell of no electricity or clean water. Meanwhile in New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo is under fire for allegedly covering up how many people died in nursing homes from COVID-19 (via New York Post). There have even been prominent calls for the governor to step down, including from Meghan McCain (via Decider).


In the midst of the duel crises, Cuomo's CNN anchor brother, Chris Cuomo, may have unintentionally put his foot in his mouth so to speak, with a new tweet. As the New York Post reports, the younger Cuomo took to Twitter Thursday to ask followers if a mayor in the Lone Star State should face consequences for the disaster in Texas. "Resign or apologize and learn and become a better leader?" he posited.

Not surprisingly, followers were quick to drag Cuomo for his seemingly tone-deaf social media share.

Twitter goes off on Chris Cuomo after his Twitter faux pas

One comment asked what was on the mind of many reading Cuomo's tweet: "are you asking for your brother?" About the mayor, who resigned, another commenter said, "Your brother should follow him." Another sarcastically noted, "I wonder who could've used your advice. If only there was someone..."


Another commenter was more blunt, tweeting, "Seems awfully similar to lying and covering up the lies about deaths at nursing homes. Also, a resignable offense." Someone else joked, "maybe not the best tweet from a Cuomo today."

That Cuomo didn't see the irony in his tweet was a little shocking for many commenters. It's also worth noting many other commenters mentioned Senator Ted Cruz in their comments, as the politician is also under fire for planning a trip to Mexico to escape the cold, even while urging his constituents without power or water to stay home.

Meanwhile, CNN has banned Cuomo from covering the scandal surrounding his big brother.

