How Hilary Duff Really Feels About The Ill-Fated Lizzie McGuire Reboot

Disney Channel fans everywhere rejoiced when they heard the news that their favorite childhood show was returning to the silver screen. But, after filming a few episodes for Disney's streaming service, Disney+, the show was quickly put on hold. People reports that the series was cancelled after its star, Hilary Duff, and producers couldn't agree on the subject matter.


On Good Morning America, the soon-to-be mother-of-three shared her thoughts on the quick turn around that left fans saddened. "It was a big disappointment obviously. I will forever be grateful for the two episodes that we did shoot," she said. "It was a really special two weeks of my life."

The fall out over whether or not to continue stemmed from Duff's request to make the 30-year-old Lizzie an authentic portrayal of her story. In December, the actress shared the news on Instagram, writing, "I know the efforts and conversations have been everywhere trying to make a reboot work but, sadly & despite everyone's best efforts, it isn't going to happen. I'm very sad, but I promise everyone tried their best and the stars just didn't align."


USA Today reports that the reboot was centered around McGuire's adult life in New York City while she worked as a decorator's assistant and tried to find love in the Big Apple. But, Disney's commitment to keeping their content PG rated seemed to be a point of contention as the star revealed that she wanted the "reboot of Lizzie to be honest and authentic to who Lizzie would be today. It's what the character deserves."

Hilary Duff asked Disney to switch the show's production to Hulu

In order to create a Duff-approved character, she publicly asked Disney to give the reboot's rights to the more adult-friendly streamer, Hulu, USA Today notes. The singer-actress explained that the limiting nature of Disney+ didn't allow for a fully developed character and storyline that a 30-year-old would live out. "I'd be doing a disservice to everyone by limiting the realities of a 30-year-old's journey to live under the ceiling of a PG rating," Duff wrote on Instagram.


On Good Morning America, she explained what the character would have looked like to her today. "I think she would be quirky, I think that she would struggle with confidence, but I think at the end of the day, she finds her footing. That's what's so lovely about her, and that's what so relatable is that she doesn't have all the answers right away, but she's on the right path."

The former Lizzie McGuire star also has a lot on her plate at the moment, awaiting the arrival of her third child, working on Younger and training a new puppy! "I'm kind of one of those people that just wants to [have my] plate completely full at all times," she added. While fans were certainly disappointed with the outcome, many are hoping that the two episodes they managed to film will air at some point in the future. 


